First time outdoor grower of a single plant. Need advice

A customer has a question or concerns and I hope we can get some opinions on it, thanks

“Seems like the weather (rain) slowed down the growing process. Any advice is appreciated. I am so embarrassed by the number of I DON’T KNOWS…but I don’t. The seedling was given to me and I planted it in last year’s tomato pot soil. Here goes…”

  • Strain (type, bag seed): I don’t know
  • Soil in pots, hydroponic, or coco?: soil in pots/ manure soil
  • PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?: I dont know
  • What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS: I don’t know
  • Indoor or outdoor: outdoor
  • Light system, size?:
  • Temps day, night: temps starting of 80-101, recently 60-80
  • Humidity day, night: outdoor
  • Ventilation system (yes/no, size): no
  • AC, humidifier, de-humidifier?: outdoor
  • Co2 (yes/no): no

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Your plant is starting to flower. Once the initial phase ends, it will stop gaining height. Probably a good dose of flower nutrients in correctly ph’d water will help her along.

Other than that she looks fairly healthy.


She looks good what do you need advice on?

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Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply.

Major issue…! Please see the updated pic. This happened overnight. The spots arent covering the entire plant, just the area closet to the light source.

Please advise.

Additional concern! concern is…how long before the next step? White hairy strings have been present for at least 3 weeks . How many more weeks at this stage or do I just sit back and wait for more hairs to darken?

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Pistils are there for around 8 weeks before they start to darken. Some strains a little faster, some strains a little slower. If you knew the strain you could look up “flowering time” online easily. But that only tells you when to start looking at the buds with a 60X magnifier. The little mushroom-like things go from clear to milky to amber. Pick the pot when 20-80% are amber, depending on if you want a high or a couch-lock smoke.

Be patient: Anything good takes time.

I’m with @Myfriendis410 on this
I think she needs a good dose of flowers nutes but in general looks Healthy
You want to leaner how to obtain the info requested tho if your serious about growing tho it’s to your benefit
I’m sure if you spent some time researching this info you’ll see why
Good luck and happy growing :v: CB :cowboy_hat_face:

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I googled “60X magnifier” and found this Microscope Jewelry Magnifier on Amazon. It’s only $6.99 and I’m afraid that I’ll get what I pay for, if you know what I mean…

Can you recommend a decent magnifier? Or let me know what to look for in one?

Thanks in advance.

That looks much nicer than mine. Mine was a little cheaper and works fine. Everybody knows how to make a good one. You just need something you can put up to your eye and then move very close to the bud to focus on it. You don’t have to pick a bid to look at it.