Thanks @Countryboyjvd1971, yeah his Ph is way off. Still trying to find out what soil he’s using.
@raustin any time
Ok time gor me to crash 230am come fast I’ll circle back in the am and see if he responds thanks fir the tag
@raustin & @Countryboyjvd1971 okay, sorry I didn’t see the notifications. I used the same soil as when I started which is a mixture of Miracle Grow potting soil & Eco Scraps Organic Potting mix. … I have not fed them anything yet because I thought they were to small and I don’t really understand the instructions lol.
Yes, you’re right, they are small for feeding especially if you used Miracle Grow soil which has slow release nutrients in it. I’m guessing that’s the problem here, but you also need to get the Ph under control, it’s way too low.
okay, how do you raise ph? … when I test my water it seems right but the run off is so low. Am I missing something?
Lol, no you’re not missing anything. The water is being filtered through the soil which is holding salts and nutrients that lower the Ph. So you have to compensate by raising the Ph you water and feed with. You do that by using some PH UP made by General Hydroponics. You don’t happen to have any, do you?
This is what you need:
Nope, I was waiting until I would need it. Guess now is the time. I will get that this Friday. When raising Ph do I raise it a whole 1.0 then the run off?
If your runoff is at 5.5, and you need to get it up to 6.5, then, you’re going to have to raise it a little more than 1.0. Then take another runoff reading, it should be close to your target.
Okay, cool. I will update with the progress. Thank you so much @raustin!
Your in good hand with @raustin
I would have given same advice
I’ll be watch if need tag me guys thanks
Hey everyone, so I have some updates on the growth of Og & MK. The Og has bounced back nice and strong after being shocked. The MK has grown a lot as well, no longer the lil guy.
My only issue now is that their roots are coming out the bottom and I know I have to transplant but I need deeper pots not wider pots cause there is only so much room in my tent. Any Suggestions? @raustin & @Countryboyjvd1971
I was also wondering if I should prune the leaves at the bottom of the plant? They’re not getting much light since the leaves on top are growing so exponentially.
Should I raise my light?
Did some light pruning for the stems that were at the soil line. I am not sure though about “suckers”. I have watched a couple tomato plant videos for the pruning techniques. Before I go ahead and start taking “suckers” I want to make sure that we have those issues lol. Can anyone confirm for me plz? @raustin @Countryboyjvd1971 @MattyBear
Oh yea, is it okay to clip the yellow part of leaves and leave the good part or should I just take the whole stem off?
How’s it going, captain? Your girl looks good, but I think she’s too small to start pruning her. Though there are similarities, cannabis is not a tomato plant, so don’t treat it like one. Most people here would advise against clipping suckers, especially on such a small plant. Let’s see what others have to say.
Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA
Mango Kush & OG Kush Auto
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?
Soil in pots
System type?
Grow Tent
PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS
Indoor or Outdoor
Light system, size?
all spectrum light, not sure on size
Temps; Day, Night
day 69 - 80
night 70-75
Humidity; Day, Night
day: reader only says high
Night: says ok
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
Yes, not sure on size
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
none of these
Co2; Yes, No
No, but i do burn a candle or do a baking soda drip occasionally
thanks, i think i almost fixed the ph level too, on my next water it should be ideal
Excellent. My best advice, is to leave her alone. There’s this disease we growers get, it’s called hoverover sickness, and you’re getting a bad case of it.
Yea, you’re right. I don’t want my first time to turn out bad I guess. I’ll dial back, thanks for helping out.
Im with @raustin she doesn’t need anything but love water her properly and feed as needed
Heres a good link
With some good info
Members Lounge - I Love Growing Marijuana Forum
Hey Everyone @raustin @Countryboyjvd1971 @Hogmaster , the girls have grown beautifully since March and the OG Auto I’m thinking about harvesting this weekend and the Mango Kush Fem in about another week or two. Take a look and let me know. The buds aren’t super fat but they’re good for me for a first time grow.
OG Auto
Mango Fem