First time growing using hydroponics DWC 5 gallon bucket

In a couple days I’m going to start up my DWC 5 gallon bucket . This is my first time doing hydroponic entirely. I have always grown in soil, so I don’t know much about hydroponics. I’m needing help… I’m needing to know what types of nutrients that needs to be added to the water before setting my seedling into the basket. Like I said I don’t know much about hydroponics. If someone doesn’t mind. I would appreciate it if you could tell me everything that I need to know about first starting up a DWC 5 gallon bucket during the seedling stage.


Don’t know anything about hydro, but would still like to welcome you to the forum. There are plenty of people around here that can help.


Thank you, it is a privilege to be able to talk to experience growers that grows in all mediums . I also grow in soil…… I have another problem, I’m a veteran smoker and it takes a extremely High Thc smoke to do me. That’s one reason I’m trying hydroponics. Hoping to get Higher THC content.I have tried several strains from ILGM . I’m needing a couple strains that will knock someone’s socks off. What strain would you recommend?

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So im not a hydroponics expert, im just now starting to get into it. Autopots with coco and a couple of bubble buckets is what i have. .
Nutrients can be very simple and give good results, or it can get to be alot and maybe give better results.

I use general hydroponics maxi series maxigro in seedling and veg and maxibloom in flower no cal-mag with these.

I also use general hydroponics flora series, its a 3 part nutrient that i can mix to more customizes what they get, this one requires cal-mag also.
I also chose to run h2o2 “brown bottle proxide” instead of any beneficial microbes.

I will be adding silica in the future but i have done good so far without it but my stems are not the strongest, the silica helps with this and more “supposedly”…

But so many options for nutrients, my only suggestion is keep it simple to begin with and just spend time learning as you go…


You should check out advance nutrients they have a couple different ph perfect line so there no ph up or down and if you look at my profile and look at the pic i put on here you will see advance nutes work im not claiming its the best because i havent used alot of diff nutes company just because again advance works really good for me and its so simple mixing there nutes and they have a app for phones called budlabs and its free to help keep track of your grow weeks and nutes calulater

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I have never heard of advanced nutrients. But it sounds awesome. The app sold me . Thank you very much for telling me about this.


Your welcome glad to help.
I would recomend the sensi a and b or the connoisseur line
But i have used the iguane juice and thats stuff awsome and organic you do have to ph that stuff.
I dont use it because it would clog my drip sytem and made my basement smell like bat and fish shit hahaha

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I’m no hydro expert, and I personally recommend rdwc over rdw. Helps keep everything stable having a larger water supply

I highly recommend jacks 321 for nutrients.

I will tag someone with a lot of dwc exp for you @Graysin

It will be very important to supply air, monitor and adjust PH and ppm/ec

Have you thought about how you will support the plant/seedling

I normally put the seed in a starter cube and place that in my hydroton which goes in the net pot.


I use Jack’s 3-2-1, I started with Fox Farms liquid nutrients but it was too much - only 3 “main” products but an entire lineup of crap that was necessary to actually work. I think @nodurxshn uses Advanced Nutrients.

You can never add too much air to the water. Be very cautious about light leaks. Keep the water 3” below the bottom of the net pot. From there, You’re golden.


If you’re looking for recommendations on types of hydroponics.
Then it’s autopots with coco hands down.
Same growth as any dwc without all the moving parts and expensive water chillers.
Advance nutrients are expensive compared to others that work just as good.
Any and all will work if it says hydroponic nutrients.

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I dont use a water chiller for mine the plants drink the water to fast to worry about a water chilller and this guy has one 5 gallon pot not a huge set up to require a water chiller and advance nute have the ph perfect technolgy so you dont have to worry about your stuff being out of wack one less thing you have to worry about.
And he was asking about nutes not style of hydro so instead of bashing the nutes i recomoned why not say what you use on your auto pot instead of saying auto pot and coco hands down ok what nutes you running. And your comment about the nutes being spending im guessing your just repeating what you heared from other people there base nutes sensi a and b grow one liter bottles for 31. That for the pair not each and its the same price for sensi bloom part a and b so $64. For your base nutes that not any diff then any other brand and yea when you start to buy the addatives it can get pricey but the addatives last longer because you may only use the addtive for 2 weeks or weeks 2 to 6 of flowering but to get started you can get the base nutes for a entire grow for under 100. And with him doing only one plant he wouldnt have to buy nutes for a couple grows

@Hillbilly.J.420 need to talk with old friend @Retiredoldguy he can help you out my friend happy growing


Thank you Brother….

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I’ve been looking at the advance nutrient starter kit. It has like 12 different bottles of nutrients for different stages of the plant’s life. The advice you gave about keeping it simple using a 3 part nutrients may have changed my mind. Keeping the PPM correct is my biggest concern.


@Hillbilly.J.420 a wise decision…your first grow just get her to grow and flower…next grow you can dabble with the extremes…


Thank you Sir, I lost my login info to my original account @Hillbilly420 and I made this one to start over again. But after I asked my first question on the new account. I had a Brain fart and remembered I can log in to my old account through my email. It’s been since last outdoor grow season that I’ve been on here and I forgot a little bit. Lol… I do want to thank you once again for offering to help. I say I will need all the help I can get. I’m going to let everyone know on this topic that I’m logging out of this account and will be on my original account @Hillbilly420 .


been smoking have we???

enjoy your Sunday :cowboy_hat_face:


Maybe try to actually follow the entire conversation before such a strong response. I clearly talked about what i use and my level of experience with said products :rofl: .
A quick Google search will show you what I say is true. That same Google search will also show you that "ph perfect technology " is not what its made out to be…

I will continue to give solid and accurate advice when i have it to give, if you dont like my advice then don’t take it. Though many here have been very grateful in my assistance saving their plants, i don’t just repeat what I hear without makeing it clear that whatever im saying “is what I’ve heard”.

Im sorry if for some reason you felt offended by what I said, it wasn’t meant to be offensive. But i stand on what i said is fact!

Good luck to you my freind :blush:

Yea thats right you use h2o2 once i seen that i stop reading because if your recomondeing h2o2 instead of benficial micro yea i wouldnt take your advice and when you say things like that sounds like your repeating what you read on google search and blogs
You didnt offend me its just a lie that advance is so over price when its not and then say i read ph perfect is not all that good any way bs i use an i never once had a problem with my nutes being out of wack and its super simple and i grow buds like this

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