First time grow - Zkittlez Auto

Hello. Having some issues (I think) and would love some guidance. Currently on week 4 and she’s starting to look very down.

The first photo is from last Thursday, November 18th and the second is from today, the 22nd. Help? :slightly_frowning_face:


How often do you water her.


Started off with a spray bottle since I didn’t transplant. Pretty much have only watered when the soil seemed dry with the knuckle test. From what I’ve searched on my own I was getting a lot of “overwatering” results kicked back 'cause of the droopiness, so I’ve been a bit more cautious with the watering.

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She looks thirsty and hungry to me. You have her on a nutrient schedule? What nutrient line?


I was going to start nutrients this week. I read somewhere to just water for the first few weeks 'cause the Ocean Forest soil should be enough to keep her going. I have Fox Farm Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom for nutrients.

Thanks for the timely replies. I really appreciate it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ok ill leave this to people who use them nutrients.
I do dwc with jacks 321 . I keep it simple .
Im sure you will find all the help you will need here…
Mind if i tag along .

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Try giving some water before you add in the nutrients. Get her to perk back up first. Usually ocean forest should last a bit longer for you.

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Coloring says she’s getting enough nutes from the soil. When you water, make sure you slowly drench the soil until it drips out 15-20% of what you put in then let it dry completely/repeat.
I suspect your soil is not evenly moist judging by the wet spot. Watering right up against the trunk is UN-advisable. Water away from the trunk to the edge so the roots have to reach for it.


Your ocean forest has plenty of nutes left, she just needs water. Don’t forget to ph it to 6.5


That’s definitely what I’ve been doing, too :tired_face: I guess I don’t know exactly when to start upping the water, 'cause I didn’t want to drown it. For sure need to get this part nailed down.

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Your past the seedling stage so don’t be afraid to give her some water. One way to help tell is to pick the pot up. Does it feel light? Give it a complete watering. Now pick it up again and feel the weight of it so you can get used to how heavy a fully watered pot is


Once you get a watering method that works for you, the rest comes easy.
I cover with a dome until they are established.

when the dome comes off, I water in a circle from where the edge of the dome was to the outer edge. @pinboy does same as I do to determine when to water.
I use fabric planters and the water is added slow enough that NONE leaks out the sides, only from the very bottom eventually. They are set on racks/risers so the plant does not sit in water.


Voting is open for Bud of the Month and Strain of the Month (x4). Head over and start making your choices. This time we get to vote for 2 favorites in BOM!

Awesome! I’ll do that on my next run. Great idea.

Thanks so much. Gonna get to work on getting this watering sorted out.

Thanks everyone!


It’s almost impossible to overwater in fabric pots. I mean you can do it, but you’d have to be watering every day. It’s important to water thoroughly at least every week or so.

My plants get a cup and a half of water per gallon of medium every other day or so. They get a good soak every week or so. My roots fill the pot.


Nice! Like this that came out of a 3 gal fabric planter.

Tap root like a carrot!

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I think its more like under watering ,see over watering and under watering have the same symptoms they both droop and dont use the knuckle test either u want to water until u have run off then lift the pot to feel how heavy it is and when it feels light to lift u water again

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Hmmm… I water 7 gallon pots everyday with atleast a half gallon each. So I prepare 3 gallons for all 5 at 7 gallons each. I have roots coming out the top, so I’d imagine my 7 gallon is full! I’m using fish poop and cannot get salt build up. Youve seen my plants!

@HMGRWN has you covered. As stated the FFOF is an amended medium with enough nutrients to last 4-5 weeks with PH water only and to run off. Especially when you start using the FF trio nutrients. They’re notorious for salt and mineral build up in the root zone. FF recommends flushing every 30 daysً :love_you_gesture:

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I’d water the pot slowly til runoff and leave it for a few days then repeat. Always soak it down til a slight bit of runoff when u start running nutes I’d atleast get a 20% runoff to avoid salt buildups def seems like she is super thirsty. PhD calmag water for atleast the first 5 to 6 weeks usually.