First time grow question/concern?

It is hard to say…It appears that you are getting close though. I plant my seedlings in clear solo cups which are placed in colored solo cups (roots don’t like light). When I see roots coming into view I know that they have sufficient roots to draw moisture from the soil. At that point the dome is not longer required and can actually lead to problems so should be removed.

One more thing, be careful to NOT over water those seedlings unless you are really wanting to kill them LOL. Water in a ring a couple of inches away from the plant, this will encourage root formation.

A handy tool I use that took care of watering issues is a soil meter. Mine is a combo moisture, soil pH, and light meter. I predominantly look at soil moisture and on occasion light. I grow mainly hydroponic but seem to always one in a Soft Pot as I have historically (first grow and now this one) overplanted then just couldn’t bring myself to take out a plant. You can get them at big box stores or ACE hardware. Mine cost all of $9 so they aren’t that expensive. I have also found that a cheap artist brush has been good to knock off a bit of dirt or whatever that might find it’s way on the leaves. But rarely do I need that.

I think your seedling looks great.

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Ok got ya!
Haha i did believe I over watered a bit as im still getting used to this whole watering situation. Thank you for this I needed that

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GREAT IDEA! I will do this as im having issues with watering smh lol thanks for this and the picture!!


I did, too, on the first grow and this has been a lifesaver for the plants. No more guessing.


Hey guys @KikiGee @Covertgrower @merlin44 and everyone else that can help, Hope all is well I just have a couple concerns with my Seedlings maybe you guys can help me out?
Ive had my seedlings in a Dome for the past couple days as some of you guys suggested and it has helped alot!! But i woke up this morning to my plants being a bit yellow is this normal? and Im also a bit cooncerned with the Dome being to humid and causing drops on the plant is this also normal? I did the mistake yesterday on Watering my plants an hour before the lights was about to shut off as it was the only time i was able to Water is this the problem?(my tap water ph is at 7 but i bring it down to 6.4-6.6. Soil PH is at 6.7).

I also bough that 3-1 soil meter as im waiting for it to arrive today. Not sure what im doing wrong.


Water your seedlings in a ring a few inches out from the stem, that will encourage root growth. Watering directly around the stem can lead to “damping off” which is bacterial growth caused by too much moisture early in the plants life. Seedlings don’t normally require watering very often…mine sometimes get 3 - 4 inches tall before their first watering as they are under the dome and absorb water from the air.

The condensation droplets are normal when under the dome.

New growth is often a bit yellow compared to older growth


Ok got ya o remember you mentioning to water seedlings in a ring. I don’t know how I forgot that, i will do better next time. Yeah i was watering every other day but just a little bit. Is there anything i can do to save it before it get all that bad bacterial growth?

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You will be fine, just let the soil dry out before watering again and keep the water away from the stem.

Your little plants are looking good, just don’t “love them to death”. They like being left alone at this early stage of growth.

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Thanks im trying lol, Yeah first grow so i have that “fever” with them.

I will and Thanks again for all the help and i will definitely do it right this time around.

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Don’t be hard on yourself, this is a learning experience for all of us. Even experienced growers are still learning. I am mostly an intermediate grower and still make mistakes, even the most experienced growers slip up now and again.

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Oh 1 more question, I know i mentioned this to you before but its about taking off the Dome, Its currently day 12 and i was thinking of taking of the dome on day 14. Do you think i am making the right move here based on how the plant is looking or should i wait longer and wait for more growth?

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You are close to time to take the dome off, the soil will dry a bit more quickly with the dome off.

Short answer, take it off now. If the plant starts to look stressed, put the dome back on but I think you will be fine.

@Kevino0529 Here is a link to photos of the grow that I am just starting today…

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Wow thanks for the That Journal i will be following!!

Ok i will take the dome off a couple hours before the lights go OFF tonight. Thanks Again for everything and im sure i will talk to you again soon haha

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You are certainly welcome to join the party (my grow log) and chime in when ever you are moved to do so. You might catch an error before it gets out of hand and save me some grief. Thanks for taking a look.

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My first grow that happened. It was just too much humidity. This was this last spring. The grow I just started is like having a second baby. Way more laid back. I utterly forgot about putting the domes on these seedlings, and they started out under T5 lights in my closet as the tent was in use drying out the previous harvest. I didn’t even bother with a humidifier. They have done just fine and in the tent now.

For the most part these plants are incredibly forgiving. You are doing just fine. I keep a diary and write every little thing down I notice and it has been great as a reference to look back on. I need to post on the forum my 30 something “lessons learned” I documented at the end. Lesson #1: Have fun and don’t stress! That is what it is all about.

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Hey guys hope all is well, hopefully someone can help me? Everything has gone well since we last chatted but all of a sudden today, day 15, my plant is developing some yellow/orange tips? Can it be because my soil mx is to hot? Im currently in top layer happy frog, bottom layer ocean forest with some extra perlite i have also bought a soil meter to check if im overwatering and I have just been watering although the last couple days have been tough to get around my 2 plants as I have been working long hours is there anything i can do to correct this problem? thanks

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@merlin44 @Covertgrower

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Not seeing anything overly concerning.