First time attempt at full hydro and partial hydro

Figured since I started one in coco (Bergman GL fem) and 3 in hydro (northern lights auto) and the 3 in hydro died, but coco soil going good, it was time for help. I sprouted 2 new seeds (but one was twins). So separated and the smaller of the two is hanging on. The twins are blueberry auto (happy for twins since 4 other seeds in BB pack never popped, so chance to try it) and also sprouted another northern auto, so 3 sprouts from 2 seeds. I have a stealthy cabinet for hydro, and closet space for coco soil. Hydro deaths all my fault, all beginner mistakes, over water, ph off, nutrients too strong etc. Trying to determine if should stick to soil until get better or just go with it?

Setup info
300W Mars Hydro and two 80W LEDs. Using the higher wattage on coco since stealth cabinet got too hot with it. Using 7 gallon fabric pots with 5 gallons coco mixed with 2 quarts perlite. Have Fox farms hydro mix and cal mag.

Not a lot of space so would like to get in hydro cabinet if possible. main problem with last hydro was mostly about heat and bad ph (root rot and nasty slime). Any input helpful.

Now to current plant still alive. Bergman gold leaf gem on 20\4 light schedule. Just started with 1\4 strength Fox farms based on their schedule and seems to have burned a little. Giving nutrients once a week, and watering with 2 liters, ph 5.85 twice per week. Every other day she gets fluids. Almost 4 weeks into it. Fim last week at first level of 7 leaves and seems to be going good. Don’t want it too high, so light lst and topping to keep manageable in space. Have been reading a lot of posts and figured time for assistance or pointers going forward.

If you want to grow hydro… I can tag you to my thread… ?
Scroll to the top … lots of good info… might help you figure things out… :wink:

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I’d vote to stick with hydro. But get your room and environment under control first. Heat and hydro are a bad combination. I’d tag you in mine but I didn’t explain my system or anything but there’s a few pics of it towards the top if you want to see it. @peachfuzz really knows his stuff when it comes to hydro and there is indeed lots if info on his thread. There’s several hydro people here that can help if you choose to pursue it. And welcome to the forum, good luck with your grow.

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Thanks, I will read thru tonight. Figure have a week or so to decide since seedlings still tiny Can’t work site from this phone so trying response via email. Thx again for tag


Thanks for the info. Really helpful. Thinking of sticking to coco until find better place for cabinet as higher temperatures 70-80F don’t seem to bother other. Here is pic from few days ago after feeding.

Was started a month after my hydro death of 3 out of 4. Was more as n experiment to make sure I can even get it done :open_mouth:


We all have trial and errors. Some more successful than others. As long as you learn from your mistakes, you’re doing good. @Smg

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