This is technically my second grow. The first was about 8 years ago when I planted several seeds from a bag of trashy weed I had bought, on a whim. The plants got to be about 4 feet tall when my ex got wind of my grow and I ended up having to destroy them [le sigh].
My seeds arrived last week and they popped two days ago. Right now I have them in small cups (having missed the fact last week that autos don’t like to be transplanted, but what can you do?)
They I have a 75 watt grow light on them and they are currently covered with aluminum foil. I’m one of those mad scientist electronic types, so I am using my Variac to control the voltage (and thus brightness) of the lamp to keep everything around 70 degrees.
I design and build electronics and write software for a living, so everything in my grow system will be automated using Arduinos, ESP8266’s, and/or Raspberry Pi’s.
My main grow light arrived yesterday. It’s a 1500 watt LED, and holy crap is it bright and hot!
We have giant goldfish, and currently the seed cups are sitting on top of the main tank, which is heated to 70 degrees. I have not yet decided on doing an aquaponic setup for this first grow or not, but will probably start off with keeping it simple and doing straight up soil for this first batch.
The grow room will be an unused coat closet hidden in this big, old house. It’s the perfect location and size, and very isolated. I have a little bit of time before I need to really get it together, so I’m going to do it right.
I decided to grow because my husband is partially permanently disabled and deals with a LOT of pain from an accident a few years ago. Medical weed is legal here but not recreational just yet. Workers comp paid for his weed card and they stopped prescribing opioids, but are fighting paying for the goods themselves. So every month we spend between $500 and $600 between the dispensary and buying bud from a friend. I’m hoping to just grow enough to cut that down to the cost of growing between an ounce and a half and two ounces a month, which should keep us going nicely.
I’m sure I’m gonna screw up a bunch of stuff and probably already have. I’m great at killing plants.
Here’s a boring pic of my seed cups.