First Grow: White Widow Auto

@WhatsupDoc I’ve been following the advice laid out here by the experts about minimizing things the ladies will have to recover from such as femming or topping. I did fem one tip on a pheno that was running away in height from her 3 sisters and was going to cause an issue with light height at some point. It allowed the others to catch up. I’ve been doing mostly LST by spreading the girls out with tying them down. I waited though until they were 4-5 wks of age and had something for me to work with. Now I pull out a branch when I see the opportunity is right. I’m also defoliating large fan leaves that are shading bud sites below. That seems to be daily now that everything is emerging and we’re a week into legit flower.

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They’re lookin great! Try and get into the habbit of watering to a bit of runoff every time and then allow them to mostly dry out before the next watering. They’re looking real close to training time, whatever you decide. I was most comfortable and had good results with lst, @KPC likes to top and others like a fim. A strong growing healthy plant will bounce right back


I’m a topper. Above the 5th node. Remove first node growth for 8 tops.

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We usually get about 6-8 40lb bags for the outside gardens…I’ll steal some for my inside 5gal containers. Will two plants do well in a 5gal properly set up and fed inside environment? We be space limited

Im team LST. Autos never really played nicely in my grow area. But thats just me. Tons of growers around here push the boundaries of whats possible and topping autos is safer then you read around.

I still dont, but give it w try


Hey @PurpNGold74 just got an ig yesterday. Found you. Im kpcjrva

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I’ll top or fim at least 1 of the 4 and keep you posted

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Gotcha. Im barely ever there but reachable.

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They’re starting to smell, guess I’ll need a filter soon, not too worried about neighbors but the wife has an ultra sensitive nose, unlike me

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So I’m about to start some LST but I’m a bit clueless on what to do, do i bend over the main stalk, some of the side shoots, larger fan leaves?? Any advice is appreciated…thanks
Tagging some folks I’ve been stalking…
@Fieldofdreams @Pinboy @KPC @PurpNGold74 @Newt @BigItch @Aussie_autos


Carefully bend the main stalk over. You might have to put a tie down low in the opposite way you going to bend the top


I’ll add some pics of training. Can do pretty much whatever is needed to spread the plant out . Training is an art in my mind… there several options, super crop, leaned top, topping… etc be creative in what you do :grin: the bottom 2 pics are autos. The rest photo


@WhatsupDoc i like to try and get my first and second row for sure flattened out parallel to the pot, within a few hours the branches will angle back towards the light and those upper inner areas will then be exposed to deeper light penetration.


I’ve got autos thanks for the pics @BigItch


Since it’s an auto, you may have limited time, but I just bend anything that needs bent to keep my canopy flat. There is absolutely no wrong way to LST.


This what i got, i tied them up last night and today they look great. I can see how it would be a bit of an art as @BigItch said, those pics you sent were very helpful thanks, also starting to understand when people say they tuck leaves. How gentle do i need to be? I felt like i was being a rit rough but they did t seem to mind


IMO rough is not a thing with marijuana. It’s funny because these chics are the only ones that like to be told what to do. You put the plant where you want it to be and it will accommodate the position within 24hrs. I also am a firm believer the more positive stress you put them under, the better trichome production.

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Btw… well done they look great.

Well, the one in the 2nd photo with the 2 green pipe cleaners accidentally got topped above the 2nd node, i was worried about that one, i thought i heard a small crunch and sure enough, now i know…I’ll post a pic tomorrow. I watered to runoff, about 20% or so, ph out was about 6.2-6.4 on all of them, ppm varied from about 1800 to 2500 so i think that means the ffof still has nutes left. Ph in was 6.1-6.2, ppm about 550, used a small dose of ilgm veg nutes, maybe shoulda waited based on ppm out??

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Accidents happen :joy::rofl::joy::rofl: so often in my case that I bought the clips below. If you like to train they are a good idea to have on hand. Any breaks just slap some honey or aloe on the break and clip it back together :grin:

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