Hello, this is my first real grow, and I have 4 White Widow Autoflowers each in 3-gallon smart pots with Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. I’m using a Marshydro TSL-2000 which puts out about 300W in my 2x4x5 grow tent. I’m coming up on the third week and noticed this new discoloration on one of my plants. I’ve been maintaining about 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit in the grow tent and have been watering when dry (about 3-4 days). I haven’t been able to come up with a diagnosis for this plant besides possible heat stress, so I’d like to get some more opinions! The first two pictures are of the plant in question, and the other one is of another plant that is in the same tent. Was wondering if maybe it’s a transmissible disease? Any help is appreciated!
Nothing I’d be worried about most likely just leaf vagriation, possibly sulfur deficiency( unlikely) but you can just put half a teaspoon of Epsom salt in your gallon of water
As @GreenSnek said, not much to worry about. Could you have spilled some water droplets on the leaves when you top feed?
Thanks for the insight! Whatever it may be, at least it doesn’t sound bad! I do think either is a possibility, and I’ll be more conscious of not leaving behind water droplets on my leaves.
Like @OGIncognito said. Plants looking good.
I’m new as well and have my first grow going (Blueberry Autoflower). The plants are 35 days old in an indoor 5x5 tent using the phantom photo bio 680 lights along with the filter and fan system. I believe my plants look good but wondering if I need to trim them?? Not sure what to do if anything right now image|666x500
@Cdmays22 I don’t feel confident enough in my ability to say where exactly you should trim leaves. I think the most important thing is to make sure all your flowering sights are getting enough light, so if there is a big fan leaf in the way, perhaps tuck it or maybe even cut it. I would suggest waiting for a reply from someone with more experience than a first time grower haha.
As long as the buds are getting plenty of air and light you should be good. Like @MFG said if you can tuck the big fan leaves if not trim them.
Your plants look good. Maybe a bit leggy. I think you got a bit of stretching going on as the reach for the light. May want to increase the light intensity and/or lower the light.
They don’t look like I’d be pruning yet. Maybe top them.
Defoliating autos can be risky if you haven’t grown them before. I would first do some LST, you’re past HST as in topping or fimming. LST by tieing the side branches down to expose the buds under the upper growth. Left like this and you’ll get one main cola and under-developed lower buds. Once you be got the sides tied down give it a few days to adjust and then selective leaf removal is ok but only a few. I would start with maybe 2 lower fan leafs in a week or so.
Thanks. I have my lights on a pulley system so I will do that now
You’re right. I was to hasty with the topping statement. Too far along with those autos.