First grow - Should I be worried about my Chocolope seedling?

Hey! This is my first time growing. My plants are 8 days out from transplanting to soil. I’m currently growing four and three look healthy, but I noticed that one of them has a dusky grey/brown on the new fan leaves starting to grow in. Should I be concerned? Has anyone seen this? I haven’t seen anything comparable that I have found. Thanks In advance!

Could be a strain thing, never grown chocolope before but your first set if leaves look ok to me. I’m curious if this is normal with this strain, I’m sure others will chime in with more info, Happy First Grow!!!

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Thanks! She is definitely the furthest along, but didn’t see any of that discoloration on the first set of fan leaves or other plants. Hopefully nothing too bad, but if it is, hopefully I can catch it early before anything too bad happens. The humidity definitely got higher than it should have been last night. My humidifier cap wasn’t on correctly and was pumping out more than it should have been. :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

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What are they planted in? Looks a little too wet in pics.


That is the conclusion I am coming to as well after some looking around. I think I may have just given her a little too much water during feeding yesterday and I’m sure the humidity getting too high last night didn’t help. It’s a coco coir seed starter mix with extra perlite mixed in. I actually think she is starting to look a little better. The base of the new fan leaf is looking more green than it did this morning I think. I’ll check again in a couple hours and let you guys know how she’s lookinh. Thanks!!


It looks like the fan leaf continuing to grow and the color definitely isn’t spreading and may be receding. Going to wait and keep monitoring.


It looks like she’s growing out of it. Looks good but let that soil dry out a bit before watering again.