Hello! This is my first grow. I’m learning as I grow here. At 5 weeks in bloom (indoor in soil) this girl’s pistols are changing rapidly on one tip. Got the best pics I could, my scope is ordered and coming this week. Not sure if I should wait for all the tips pistils to mostly turn? Or take off each tip as they finish? How close to finish is she? Any help would be appreciated
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Ya I’d wait to get close ups of the trichomes before making a solid plan. Autos?
Those are really just starting. They will get much fatter, longer and denser if you are patient. Based on your pics, you have a month or more to go.
She is not an autoflower.
Going by the calendar, that’s what I thought, but when the pistils starting changing i doubted myself.
Thank you!
Yep give those girls time. They will get fat and frosty. Happy growing!!
Pistils will come and go all through flowering. Them browning is not in itself an indicator of maturity. Your plant will be ready for a good high about 8 weeks into flower. That might span a week or so depending on your growing conditions. Harvesting later will give you a “couchlock” high. This is where I find my pain and sleep meds.
If you’re in your 5th week of flower you have about 3 weeks left. She looks fine and will fill out over the next few weeks. You could see some new pistils as she does. Remember, the plant is trying to procreate. It “wants” to produce seeds and will do a lot of crazy stuff in an effort to do so.
This is my White Widow in week 5.