First time grower here. I’ve done a lot of container and in-ground vegetable gardening, but have some questions about my new plants. I think one has some nutrient burn possibly, and the other is really stunted and also has burnt leaves.
- Indoor or outdoor? Outdoor
- size of grow? 3 plants
- Origin of seeds? ILGM, Autoflower CBD Mix
- Regular, feminized, or autoflower? Autoflower
- Origin of water. PH, EC/TDS of source water? Tap water
- Grow method? Soil. 50/50 screened topsoil and aged manure compost + Perlite. I have used this for tomatoes before and they did fine. 7 gallon fabric pots in saucers
- Nutrients or fertilizer system used. Aged/composted manure (no horse) in soil, added 1/4 cup Happy Frog All Purpose (6-4-5) at week 3, 1-2 tsp of 24-0-12 about week 4 because the plants were still pretty slow
- What type of lighting are you using? Outdoor, south facing, zone 6a
- What are the temps in your growspace? last 3 weeks have been low to mid 90s in the day, mid 70’s at night
- What is the RH = relative humidity in your growspace? Day - typically 30%, Night - typically 70%
- How long have you been growing? First grow
I have three plants. Two are the same age, the third is about 3 weeks younger. All of them used the same soil and fertilizer mixture, are in the same location, and get the same amount of water.
First plant - Critical Mass CBD Auto, this is Week 9-10
- germinated in water, then sprouted in soil block, then transplanted into grow bag
- 2-3 leaves on the very bottom have died completely
- 2 leaves are showing considerable yellowing/browning, a few brownish spots on some of the others
I think this is nutrient burn, but wanted a second opinion.
Second plant - CBD Kush Auto, this is Week 6-7
- germinated in water, sprouted in 1" rock wool block, then transplanted into grow bag
- first attempt sprouting in soil died of damp off, so I tried again with rock wool (first time using rock wool)
- plant had 2 sets of true leaves when transplanted and roots were starting to show at the sides and bottom of rock wool
- very little growth over the last 3 weeks. Plant is still about 3 - 4 inches tall. It has added a few leaves and looks like it is starting to flower.
- leaves are yellow/brown and burned at the tips
I think this is nutrient burn, but I wanted a second opinion.
Is the stunted growth from using rockwool and transplanting into soil, or something else?
3rd plant - White Widow CBD Auto, this is Week 9-10
- germinated in water, then sprouted in soil block, then transplanted into grow bag
- no real issues. It has good looking leaves, a few branches, and the flowers seem to be coming along nicely
- Found a cutworm on it this morning, but it only got part of two leaves
Thank you in advance for any pointers