First Grow (Indoor Tent) - Advice is most welcome!

Actually, if I were to utilized the other 4 wells on my property, I have about 22,000 gallons of well water. But this one particular well is right by my house, and it has a capacity of 5,000 gallons. I would not use the reclaimed dehumidifier water with this much rain/ground water so easily available to me.

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You be the waterman… :crazy_face:

nope! too lazy. id have to do way too much work to harvest the rest of that water. lol. i’ve only got 5,000 within my acceptable labor limits for the task of watering my plant. and if it were another 20 feet away, i might not be willing to do it lol

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You probably already thought about it, but getting that water tested before putting a lot of money into getting it above ground. If it sits in limestone formations might be pretty hard (high ppm).

Well, to be honest, I think 5,000 gallons should be enough to get you through until the next time it rains. Given that it seems to be raining EVERY FREAKING DAY! Sorry for shouting, but it’s been bugging me.

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I am figuring with the depth of the well that as long as i always be sure I am pumping water from the top, all the shit I want to avoid is probably settled at the bottom and i should get some good, low tds water

Probably depends where the water comes from. If it’s entering the well from the top it should be clean once the chunky stuff settles. If’s it’s coming from deeper and the sides it’s likely got some dissolved minerals. Really depends on how deep and strata composition. Easy enough to test before you have to rely on it.

@DrWoo, @dbrn32, @1HappyPappy

The girls look great. One of the plants has some strange discoloration on one of it’s leaves. I suspect this is one of the leaves that were touching the side of the dome when they were still in the solo cups, but thought I should show you all and get educated opinions. I have included a closeup of that leaf.


It’s possible. If you see issue spreading i would say would justify mire attention, but a couple of leaves that you suspect to be from known issue i wouldn’t worry about.

I could easily just pull that leaf off and remove it from the tent, right? (if I see it starting to spread along the leaf, before it gets to others)


You’re Ladies looking great, I agree with dbrn32. Nothing to worry about if it’s only one leaf.

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Agree with everyone. Clip off the leaf. Always leave a quarter to a half inch of stem rather than flush with the trunk.

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I’ve never seen this before, what’s the advantage to doing this. I’ve always cut them flush with the trunk. Always looking for ways to improve, I’ll be doing some defoliation before long.


It’s to avoid damage and infection in the trunk. As general guidance, this is something that is widely advised in most pruning situations. Specifically for defoliating cannabis I got it from Hellraiser in one of his journals.


Thanks for the info :+1:

In case of mold or rot is why i do it.
I prefer to pluck the leafs by hand so it snaps natural where the plant would release it if it dropped it naturally.
I find this is the easiest and fastest method to get there alot and leaves and leaves nothing left to die and rot.
Sometimes if i need to cut them off, i find that if i leave a leanth of stem, as it dies it will have enough weight to fall off and not get stuck, die and then rot.
If cut real close, the plant will still reject whatever is left of the stem and it will die.
If its not noticed and removed or doesn’t fall off naturally.
It can and dose alot of times cause bud rot…

Or at least this has been my experience.
Longer dead stems are easy to see and remove, tiny ones van get overlooked and be ticking time bombs

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FYI - a quick intro to topping below. If you’re going to do it, the time is likely approaching rapidly.

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The current plan is to have them separated into 3 tents by the weekend. I want to top them at that point, when I am working with much less clutter

This is getting messy fast. lol

I am noob so i went with indicanja living i have literally just watered with calimag so far