I don know. You havent told me yet. lol. If “Topping” is going to be required to meet my goals, then ya, i will probably be daring it.
It just dawned on me. I have a 5,000 gallon well in my front yard. I dont need to find a way to collect rainwater! I already am! I just need to install a pump!
Cannabis will naturally grow with one main cola (the main stalk) and multiple smaller branches lower down. Topping is used to break that single natural christmas tree shape by removing, or “topping”, that main trunk above the number of main branches you wish to develop. It then grows in more of a menorah shape (to keep with he holiday analogies). Instead of putting all the resources towards the one main trunk it does it to the 4, 6, or 8 main branches - depending on how you top. More later.
Can you get a count on the number of nodes on your plants? Nodes are the pairs of branches below the top. You’re probably at 4 or 5 pairs, judging by size.
Looks like 4 or 5. It is hard to count. There is a lot of foliage in the way
It is. Too early for topping, so no rush.
I think someone told me earlier that humidity isnt a big deal until flowering, and I hope that is accurate because I have been fighting a losing battle for 3 days. My humidity is basically always at 70-74% now. And I cannot seem to find a way to lower it without letting my fans just run all the time, which then lowers my temperatures to 72-74f
This likely will not be an issue later on when I move my grow room to its final location because there will be a window AC unit running 24/7 to cool the room…i suspect this will remove a lot of humidity.
But for now, the tent is sitting in a spare bedroom, and the humidity in that room is just building up so bad. I can see the water on the windows! lol
70% is a bit on the high side. It’s definitely too high once you have buds set, and leads to bud rot in the center. Your risk right now is WPM, or white powdery mold. It will show up as a (you guessed it) white powder on the surface of the leaves. You can deal with it using a spritz bottle with hydrogen peroxide. More of a minor PITA in veg than a real threat.
The high humidity means the plants don’t transpire as much, and therefor don’t take up as much nute-water. So you get a bit better growth with a bit lower humidity. You also get a bit better growth with temperature in the high 70’s. It’s anyone’s guess which, if either, would give the better growth if you can’t do both. If it were me, I’d shoot for some middle ground and at least try to get the humidity into the 60’s.
What’s the room RH the tent is in? I have a dehumidifier in the room to get RH in the 30’s in order to keep tent RH in the 50’s. It’s a constant struggle.
I have found that by opening the windows in the room for a while, I can let a lot of the humidity out and get back down into the 60s for a little while. Of course, it is only 50 degrees outside today too though, so guess what happens next? lol
I know what happened next when I cracked the window. Forgot it was open until about 2 in the morning when I woke up with icicles dangling from my nose.
I suspect that if i stop being lazy, install the other 2 intake filters on my tent, and start leaving the door open (currently i have not installed my intake filters so I keep the door shut to keep my pets out), the RH in the room would plummet and likely relieve a lot of this.
All true. Also, if you have the carbon filter on the exhaust you can disconnect. You don’t need it until flower and you’ll get better airflow.
I havent hooked that up just yet. Waiting to have a smell to hide.
As a test, I left the window and door open. The RH in my tent is now at 52%.
Are you exhausting the tent into the room the tent is in? If so, you’re going to need a dehumidifier in the room. It only gets worse from here. I did that over the winter because I couldn’t stomach the idea of dumping all that heat and air outside - that I just paid good money to heat. I very quickly topped 80% in the room, until I broke out the dehu.
Yes I am. I already have it sized out and everything. I am going to need a dehum capable of 40L’s daily and I intend to have one with a drain hose so that I do not ever have to empty it.
40L is a damned big dehu, likely bigger than you need. You should be good with a 50 pint. That’s 50 pint under the new AHAM measurement, or a 70 pint under the old. It’s basically the largest size you will find on the shelves at Lowes / Home Depot. Expect to find one at around $300 if you get one with an internal pump, $250 for gravity drain. I recommend GE dehus if getting the internal pump version ($300 Home Depot). I go through quite a few of these in my work. Hisense (Lowes) dehus are good, but the pumps fail at a high rate.
LOL, I meant 40p, not 40l. I have 5 plants, so at full maturity, thats maybe 1g per day each for 5g daily. 40p.
Better math, that. You’ll likely have a choice between 35 pint and 50 pint. I’d go with the 50.
Seem to me the reclaimed water would be good for watering if everything is clean… Am I
I wouldn’t drink dehu water on a bet. Sounds clean, but the reality is somewhat different after just a few weeks. Household dust gets in the coils, which are wet to damp most of the time. Then you get microbial growth on the wet dust, and all that water filters through that microbial jungle. Better off using the rain water. He has 5000 gallons of it.