About 4 weeks into flowering and starting to see yellowing leaves with brown tips. One White Widow and one AK-47. Also should I be flushing these soon?
Welcome to the forum.
Only if your pH is out of range. Do you know your runoff pH and PPM? What products are you feeding the plant with? What soil are you using?
Burned tips are often a nitrogen toxicity, but we can’t really make any recommendations until we understand your runoff numbers, nutrient product(s,) and what soil you are using.
Fast reply!
I am using fox farm ocean forest soil and FF big bloom, big grow and tiger with beastie and Cha ching now that it’s flowering according to FF feeding schedule but I cut everything by 1/2.
Run off is around 1200 ppm. ph is around 6.
Suggest ditching these. Your plant doesn’t benefit from them and they cause problems. They are nothing more than stronger solutions of potassium and phosphorous that are already in Tiger Bloom. They are loaded with mineral salts that lead to a salt buildup in your soil that will submarine your pH. FF nutes are notorious for salt buildups, and the bloom boosters only make it worse, requiring more flushes. They also screw up your NPK ratio.
I suspect early nitrogen toxicity. PPM isn’t too bad. pH is too low. It should be between 6.3 and 6.8. Expect pH to trend lower over time when using FF nutrients. A flush is probably in order, as FF Ocean Forest will revert to a pH of 6.5 with a good flush down to 300 - 400 PPM. Flushing without running PPM down that low won’t correct your pH.
Are you also feeding a cal/mag product?
I used calmag for a couple of feedings about a month ago but not using it now.
The FF Trio contains no calcium or magnesium. I would use cal/mag every feeding.
My water is at around 400 ppm so should I flush to about 700?
700 may not be enough to get back to 6.5. Flush until your runoff pH is back up to ~6.5.
If I flush how long should I wait until I feed again?
Feed again after the soil dries out. It will take a couple of days.
Feeding immediately after a flush doesn’t do a whole lot. Wet soil will not absorb the nutrients. Some growers advocate a light feed immediately after a flush.
So I understand, after flushing and soil dries should I continue with FF big bloom, big grow and tiger with calmag?
Also, do your best to maintain a runoff PPM of ~1,000. Don’t worry if you are off a couple hundred PPM here and there. It takes some experience to learn how to calibrate your feedings with the proper runoff PPM.
Everything looks good from what I can see. Just looks like you may have some color change going on, most likely due to cooler temps.
PH is on the low side, as noted above
You might consider switching to Jacks 321 for nutrients. I spent a year growing with the FF Trio and always had to flush 2 to 3 times per grow in flowering to wash out the salts to manage pH. I rarely now have to do a flush when using Jacks. Sometimes 1 flush per grow, but most often not at all.
Look pretty good. As @MidwestGuy suggests some nute lines REQUIRE a flush between stages. They do look nitrogen hot but it is following the nute schedule that will fix after flush and nute change. Flower boosters are mostly B.S. just heavy P/K. All nute lines have plenty in their flower stage. Cal/mag if not in the nutes is a good thing. Silica is also an additive that really helps.
Brown tips are common in plants uptaking at max capacity. Some of us like that.
Let me start off by saying i am a jacks guy myself. When i got back into growing after a 20 yr break, i started back with ff nutes with the flower boosters, growing indoors. Alot of people have a dislike to fox farms bc of the flushing that is in fact needed. Now to say that the boosters are useless is not a good way to put it. If you follow the feeding schedule and do the required flushing, you can have some great buds. But it is important to log your runoff the entire grow. My advice would be to get your runoff numbers where you like it and follow the rquired flushes. I also would feed immediately after the flush. Not sure why someone would not considering the soil will be depleted and can take 2 to 3 days to feed again. Even if nutrients are not absorbed as well saturated…atleast they are there! You certainly do not want them starving in flower at any point! Flush or not. Now jacks is certainly easier to use and more cost effective, but it can be done just fine in fox farms if done correctly, just a bit harder is all. Try to follow the most recent feeding schedule since it has changed…multiple times.
I appreciate all the feedback and knowledge sharing …
Im a first time grower in soil as well and your plants look great compared to mine lol. I’m new to the form and trying to get help but my activity is restricted at the moment since I am new.
I have a similar issue with my plants. The leaves look good however they are yellowing. I am feeding them FoxFarm Tiger Bloom 2tsp per gallon and water them with that every other watering. I feel like it is a nitrogen deficiency however the tips are burnt a bit so I’m not sure. Can anyone help me with this?
Welcome to the forum.
You should also be feeding Grow Big and Big Bloom.