Will be harvesting my first grow tomorrow morning. 3 Banana Kush and 5 Gold Leaf. All trichomes are cloudy to amber.
My question is: Been flushing for 7 days, my runoff pH from flushing is 7.3 Will flush one more time with distilled water tonight and hopefully get it below 7. Am I doing this right???
What is your PPM. This is more important. The purpose of flushing is to get the nutrients out of the grow medium to prevent a chemical taste in your buds. The PH is not so critical but should be 6.5 in soil
That guy above knows for sure. The water I use for flushing is around 20-30ppm. I try to get my run off to be under 100ppm. But I’m amateur, that max guy is pro.
Ok thanks guys. Will check ppm. Didn’t know ppm was more important.
I think both have equal importance. For different reasons
Do you have a picture. I just want to make sure they are ready to harvest.
Yes but I am work at the moment… Will post asap.
The PPM tells you how much nutrients you have in your soil. You flush to remove the nutrients out of your soil and also your plant. You don’t want nutrients in your plant when you harvest because it will leave a chemical taste to your final product. I shoot for 100 or below but I have an RO system and it doesn’t cost me that much per gallon. If you are buying water, it can get expensive to flush that low.
Thannks for the info…Yes I am buying distilled water at .82 per gallon.
Not the best pics… taking them with my camera phone through my little microscope.
How about a whole plant picture. The reason I’m asking is new growers almost always harvest to early. I did on my first grow and lost a lot of weight. The buds will really swell up in the last 2 weeks of growing and you don’t want to miss out on that.
Ok give me a few…want to get the most current pic.
Again thanks for your help.
You still have a lot of white pistils. I would wait at least another week or two before you harvest. What strain are you growing and how long have you been in flower?
Looks nice though
Make sure the amber is on the flower not the leaf but looking great
The leaf shows amber first
Will be 8 weeks of flower on Tuesday. Im growing Banana Kush and Gold Leaf. That last pic is Banana Kush.