First grow ever, WWAF

Hey all, starting my grow journal today.
I started my water soak yesterday, only after checking my ph(6.8) and my ppm 102 with filtered tap water and distilled water was 68 and straight tap water was 202. I am soaking my 5 seeds in distilled water.
At 21 hours 3 of my seeds are cracking the side of the shell.
They were all floating last night, this morning all 5 have sank, and look promising.
I will be updating on here daily, and will post pics as necessary for help if (god forbid) anything goes wrong.

Any help y’all can give as i go through this would b greatly appreciated. Thank you!


No pics? We want pics of sunken seeds!

Good luck with the grow!


Lol, I’ll take some and post them.

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Welcome and you chose a great strain to start with.

If you want to get anyone’s attention just use the @ sign in front of their handle like @Countryboyjvd1971 who is ALSO from NY.


i will watch im on day 52 with these 4 WWA from ILGM

into week 2 flower. @Irish

be sure to let us know what medium (soil, hydro so on) what lights /tent / inside outside basement garage ect.
so if you need help we can try… good luck hope to see girls soon.

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I have a 4x4x6.6 tent with a 600W mh/hps light with exhaust fan. I’m using soil from lowes, it has worm casting in it. Natural organic mix.
I can see the taproot trying to co e through. Today is day 2. I’m thinking by tomorrow morning I’ll put them in the dirt.

I can’t get the taproots to show up in a picture yet but I’ll keep trying without disturbing them,lol.

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after 24 hours soak i put them in a wet paper towel (unsented ) plain white really wet then in a plastic tub in the dark.

20 for 20 sprouts.this grow. i do put them in rapid rooters after tails are 1/4 to 1/2 long not longer cus they are easy to snap off i even put them in rooters just cracked open. i love them. when the tails show through bottom of rooter into forever pots they go no transplant for my auto’s. i use 5 gal fabric. then no nutes till around 3 weeks .

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Once the shell opens up how long should I leave the seeds in the water? As of right now they have been soaking for 35 hours. The taproot is just showing but not coming out just yet.

I take them out after 24 then to paper towels

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If the taproot is showing then you can plant the seed in soil, or put in a paper towel.

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Hello all. Update, soaked on 2oct18 and today they are around two to three inches tall. So in six days, wow.
I have 4 or 5 pics to post here but dont know how. Any help on how to upload them? Thanks,lol.
Imo the girls look pretty good (fingers crossed) and as soon as I figure out how to post pictures I will. I’m quite encouraged so far, but only time will tell.

Three of the girls are looking really good. One other had to be helped out of it’s shell today, and I think I got the taproot upside down on the 5th one, I’ll be leaving the taproot one alone and hope she rights herself, and the o e I helped out of its shell looks li,e its going to be good also.
The temp is a little warm for me, it runs around 75-85 Fahrenheit, with the humidity around 35-40%.
Please let me know if I should change anything up or down or how, I’ve never really grown house plants or anything else in my life, so this is all very alien to me, but I’m loving watching these grow so fast, very peaceful for me. Maybe I do have a green thumb and just never knew it,lol.

Oh by the way, what your seeing in the pics is empty 3 gallon pots with rocks in the bottom or drainage. And my bottons are flipped upside down to sit the small peat pots on, my not look good but I works so far.

I wound up the humidity to 60-70% during veg.


Ok I have four out of thr five looking good so far. The front middle one looks like I might have gotten the taproot upside down and she doesn’t look li,e shes going to grow at all.
Am I able to very gently turn it over and hope for the best?

The other four are 3-4 inches all ready, and they’ve only been in the dirt for 3 days now. Loving the process, and tending them and watching the noticeable growth every day.
Tomorrow I need to water them, when should I start with the nutrients. I bought the seed, veg, and flower nuets, but unsure when to mix with water.

most every grower says no nute till coty’s turn yellow or die off. on the water be carefull you can leave your domes on and water around them with a few oz’s of PHed water i dont know about lowes soil so not sure hot hot it may be are you still using distilled water if so you may want to add cal-mag just a thought. the girl not showing even if it was upside down they still reach for light may try to have her under 24/7 if you can

good luck and happy grows @Irish

Take the upside down seedling and very carefully turn her right side up. She should be fine.

It’s now right at 3 weeks and they are all around 6 inches tall.
I lost the upside down one. She never took off really, and I kept a close eye on them.
The other 4 are coming along nicely but it seems to be slow to me, then again what do I know on my first grow ever,lol.
I’ll get some pics and post them in the next few days.

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Hey all, I wanted to give an update. First tho I wanted to apologize for not keeping y’all up to date better.
My 4 WWAF girls are doing pretty good, especially for my first grow ever. At least I think they are. I’ll put up some pics in a minute to show progress.
They are in the 7th week of veg and grown around 30 imches.
Tell me what ya think even if it’s an attaboy,lol.
Ill keep y’all posted much better here once they goto flower.
Wish me luck!