First Grow ever Need lots of Help

Mine look more “crispy”(for lack of better terminology) around the edges if that makes sense.


They are lat in flower and the lights are turned up to build buds.

The key here is to make sure it’s not caused by a salt build. Up and thus make sure you get lots fo run off when you feed.


Thank you so much for your help!


Okay… The Leaves that are turning yellow on the edges and feel crispy are the ones closest to the light, the ones lower on the plant are fine. I can’t raise my light any higher. Any ideas?

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Don’t remember what light you have. Does it by chance have any kind of dimmer? or switch for veg-bloom-both.

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Mine tend to look pretty rough late in flower. I think it may have to do with low Rh.

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What do I do with this little sucker? prop it up? consider itself Stressing itself?

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That’s an extreme amount of stretch. You might get away with propping it up and surrounding it loosely with peat moss. It will be very delicate. It is too far from the light, can you put it on a riser?

Yes I can definitely dim it with my dimmer if you think that will solve it.

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I really hate to suggest less light during flower if there is no foxtailing as well.
Is there no way to spread those tops and get them away from the light a couple inches? Don’t bend to the point of breaking of course.

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TBH I don’t really think there is anything to solve. Nothing that warrants any drastic action anyways.
I hate to break it to you but your plant is going to die, that is the goal after all, and she will not be green and perfect when you take her down. You are getting close and the bud is all that matters to the plant and to you as well.


Yeah I can definitely try to spread them.

Thank you sooooo much! I really am thankful for your help!

Learn DLI with my DLI post and let me know how many DLI your tops are at on average


How do I find your posts regarding DLI

yes, how to
find your post on DLI, please.

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Thanks for making me feel better because I was beginning to feel like I was the only one that didn’t know how to do that!

I think this is it?


Thanks so much for finding this @Mr_Wormwood

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Man, glad @Mr_Wormwood has my back when he knows I’m swamped. :v: