First Grow, Coco Outdoor Autoflower WW

I sure got a ticking off / bollocking f for mentioning Sensei Seeds when i first joined up by a heap of people :scream:

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If it happens again; tag me. I’ll deal with it.

Obviously ILGM would prefer you buy seeds from them but the forum isn’t the seed shop. To be a grow forum other sources are going to be mentioned.


i was a bit iffy of even mentioning another competitor’s name but i don’t see any harm in it, sending links on the other hand yeah probably not a good idea


Sorry for the slow post. Seeds take forever to get to aus haha

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seeds came today, i still gotta order a few more things before i get started again

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I had to order ph buffer 4 and 7 for my meter once they come I’ll get a small battery fan and then I’ll be able to set up the seeds in my closet with a light so once they come I’ll be ready again

Awesome mate, I thought I’d share this with you, I’m doing my 1st scrog wanted to make it moveable so came up with this after seeing a few ideas on other journals

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oh shit that’s actually dope, i’ll look into building one when i get my girls started which ill probably start today

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@Myfriendis410, does similar. he zip ties the pots to the lower tubes and he can drag his around and not worry about the pot moving. :grin: Nice job :+1: :+1:


@Zenpha how’s it going mate? Did you get your girls started this week? Mine just started to touch the net :grin:

hey mate, a lot of shit been happening in my irl life atm. im hoping in the morning i can get those seed starter caps so i can finally start haha

Sorry to here mate, are you ok?
Good luck with the caps bro hopefully gives you something to look forward to or a good little distraction each day. I get home from work and escape for at least half an hour to do checks and clear my head.
I’ll keep checking in, and keep u posted with my SS scrog.

yeah man everything is okay now just shit with family thanks for checking up i appreciate it so much man. Hopefully this grow will be as therapeutic for me as it is for you hahah. should be starting very soon though im excited :slight_smile:

Hey man did you get started? @Zenpha

Sorry for the late response, I made this journal before this virus and then it happened and suddenly had no time to do anything. I’ll update in the morning as i have a lot of stuff to do hahah sorry everyone.

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Okay, now that i have some time to update it, i chose to do one seed this time.

Sapling is close to 3 weeks old now I would say. I just put a seed in my old pot and didn’t expect anything but out it popped.
I only fed it today and the amount is. 2ml Calmag 1ml Micro 1mlGro 0.5 Bloom per 3.7Litres of water (1 Gallon)

I have a few questions about watering, now that I’m watering it with nutrient water, how much do i water it? just make the coco damp?

I also got recommended Silica. I didnt add it to the nutrients because im not sure how much to add or what stage to add it.

Ph the water to 5.5 i think that’s kinda low but i’ve read 5.5 to 6.1 for autos in coco.
PPM of the water is at about 380. Without nutes it’s about 100.
Here’s a pic of the little dude.

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took a new pic


She is looking happy, happy, happy :v:


She is looking good. I would be shooting for some where between 5.8 and 6.0 Your ppms are right on. At that stage. I normally just give them a cup of water. Then as it grows. I go to 2 cups and once you are past that. I water the whole outer edge. So about 8 cups or a half gallon for a big pot. For one gallons. I only use 2 cups and get about 1 1/2 cups of run off. You are doing a great job though.
Your scrog looks nice. I would have went with a lot smaller squares. it is really going to have to stretch before it makes it to the next on to tuck branches. My bamboo scrog uses 4" squares and my pvc have movable lines. I find that works best for me. It is all trial and error.
You are doing great though :+1:

Thanks @repins12 actually getting pretty excited lmao but hopefully it goes well.

Also thank you @Not2SureYet i appreciate the feedback. I’ll stick to a cup or so then and try and get my ph a tad higher. Looks like it’s taking the nutes well atm.