First Grow, Coco Outdoor Autoflower WW

@kettle @ @Ncgreenthumber @Myfriendis410 @Not2SureYet @James68 @anon43727043 @h2oj28 @Agrestic @Davegreen @MrPeat

First of all, Hello everyone! This will be my first time growing…pretty much anything lol. The reason I tagged quite a lot of people is because I made a post in the beginner section asking for advice, I had a lot of positive comments and an EXTREME amount of help & advice from beginners to pros so I tagged everyone who either commented or gave any amount of advice so you can come along and watch the progress if you like. If I missed anyone I apologize in advance I’ve been up for a while and about to sleep haha.

Secondly, i want to add that I SEVERELY underestimated how large a 7 gallon pot is oh my god, two pots took most of my coco from a huge bag. Another thing I want to note is that only 2/3 seeds germinated, the 2 that did are in the big 7 gallon pots and the one that didn’t is in the smaller pot, the reason is well…i kind of ran out of coco lol. I mixed in the perlite myself it seemed to be a pretty good amount also.

Details about the grow:

Strain: Automatic White Widow.
Medium: Coco with added perlite (the coco is cal and mag buffered)
Nutes: Floragro series. I also got recommended to purchase silica and cal mag which i have.
PH: The tap water is around 7.6 Ph but phed to around 5.8-5.9. PPM out the tap is 100 which I’ve been told is pretty good. I’ll be needing help later when it’s time to add nutrients and such.
Country: Australia.
(If I’m missing anything please leave a comment so I may respond and add it here)

I’m not too sure how much I should water so I gave it a pretty light watering was also told to water the outer edge to encourage the seedling roots to seek out the water. Bricks are placed to help them be stable it’s a bit windy

Lastly in this post I would like to thank every single person that has been tagged and a future thank you for everyone watching and could help a noob like me out. I have done a lot of my own research but I tell you, nothing beats the detailed information from experienced growers as such are tagged. Thank you all for coming along this journey with me. This is a first for me and I’m extremely excited to start.

(also I it just told me I can only tag 10 people per post so I will immediately comment with more people tagged)


@Gr8 @Oldsoldier1976 @CoyoteCody @Imahead


I would not have them in direct sunlight yet and would also look into having a clear dome over them. (Unless your ambient RH is high) Other than that everything looks great!


Relax Edited. Saw them. my eyes aint very good. but I had mine in a plastic cup for a few weeks before I put them in a pot. Good luck. As someone mentioned. They are too young for direct sun. Even a clear dome is too much but that will help. You need to keep the root area moist but not damp.


ok bud yeah, little seedling need to be treated carefully, can you get a shade cloth screen up? so they are in shade until they get big enough… people usually start in small cups and work their girls up… watering is going to be an art… :open_mouth::grin:


where abouts are you in Australia… roughly…:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Out of likes but set to watching, good luck and I hope to see some huge colas in your future.


@Oldsoldier1976 @kettle okay no problem I have moved them in the shade, thank you for the tip :slight_smile:and I’m in NSW about an hour away from Sydney :slight_smile:

@CoyoteCody glad you could join mate :smiley:


I also put those transparent takeout containers as a dome for all of them lol


now just do not over water. let them tell you it is time to water. if it feels moist it is.


I will tag @anon43727043 to since he is in your neck of the woods. I am set to follow along :grinning:


I’m here to help you anyway I can brother! Nice looking pots you got there man. Cant wait to see this grow take off.


Watching and excited with you and for (MY)** friend. Already quite a bit of help for you right? Good luck and have fun with it. These plants are amazing in every aspect. And again, I second and third and so on and the great suggestions so far. Lots of people use spray bottles or Turkey baesters. Anything along those lines will help you avoid over watering and slow you a more precise watering. After alot of research and reading here, what I took away from it all
Was what I mentioned in your other topic/post. I would PICTURE theM sitting inside A SOLO CUP sized circle and water according to that size. Start an inch or so away from the stem and work outward to about 4-5 inches in a circle. But not too much water. And slowly increase all as they grow. The circle size, the amount of water and so on. I would get some options on when to go into direct sunlight. Most likely in a couple weeks at the beginning of veg. :v::love_you_gesture::call_me_hand::fist_right::fist_left::beer:
MY friend, not (not) friend, lol


Thanks for the tag. At this early stage, you don’t need more than 5 ml of water. Try to put the water a couple of inches noches from the placement of the seed. This allows the roots to spread out and develop.

As for germinating Seeds is simple. I soak mine for no more than 24 hours. I then place them in damp toilet paper upto 48 hours. I then place seed with tap root straight into its permanent home under the grow lights in the tent.


it’ was moist and i checked today it’s still moist :slight_smile:

@Ncgreenthumber thanks man me too! :smiley:
@Imahead i’ll keep that in mind man, i was when watering i just gotta keep thinking of like it’s in a solo cup

@MrPeat i put them in water for 24 hours then in a damp paper for another 24, i probably should have waited another 24 for the third seed to pop i forgot hahah

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@Zenpha You should wait 48 hours in the damp paper towels before putting them in soil. All this does is give you a extra leg up when you put seeds with tap roots in soil. :+1:

A 7 gallon pot filled with dry soil and perlite is one thing but beware lifting when you have hydrated them, they are a serious weight also get them off the deck so air can circulate underneath them…its all about the LOVE…have fun :cowboy_hat_face:

Thanks for the advice I thought 24 would be enough since the other 2 cracked but now that I’ve learned 48 is the way to go I’ll remember for next time hahah

Oh right haha I forgot to put bricks underneath them too thank you for the reminder I’ll go do that now :slight_smile:

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@Zenpha thanks for the tag mate, look forward to your progress. I’m about a week off harvest and just put new seeds down too ! Good luck and touch base with any info you need :+1::grin: