First Grow, Coco Outdoor Autoflower WW

thank you man i really appreciate it, one question i had was how long does it take seeds to sprout, i read that it’s 1-5 days

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My Bergmans Gold Leaf Auto did it in just over 24hrs in a room temperature glass of water standing inside a covered electrically heated seed propagator…you only have to buy one once and then its onwards and upwards :partying_face:

I might be being a little impatience it’s probably because I put them straight into 7 gal pots that they haven’t sprouted yet but it’s the start of day 3 and still nothing

okay i saw a bit of a step about to pop out from one of the pots i’m just gotta factor in they started in a 7 gal pot and i may have put them a tad too deep

also that product looks so dope i’ll be definitely purchasing that for my next grow

I put them in a 1/4inch deep and pat them down very gently and then mist them with sun warmed water…just recover them carefully and start again…all infi you need is in the above Guides…good luck .


okay yeah, no growth still from either seed, i can see one stem and the tiny leaf and it’s really white. I’m gonna pull them all and try the 3 photo seeds i got. i can’t believe i messed up already lmao but oh well i think i just over watered them? or putting them in such a big pot did something. but its fine everything is a learning experience i guess


Try a red party cup. I think you will have better luck. I know I find it easier to control the environment for the little ladies.


Thanks for the tip I’ll try that in my cupboard with a light


I use a clear party cup in a red one. That way I can monitor moisture and root development. Just remember roots don’t like light so keep clear in the red cup.

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yeah buddy, your going to need to try to treat them like princesses until they are about 3-5 inches tall… the clear solo cups inside coloured ones is a great idea, the way you had started would have been pretty tricky, to start… photos are better for you any how imo….:grinning:

you’ll be right mate, just take lots of photos before, you plant the seeds directly into a 20 liter pot…in the sun… :roll_eyes::joy:

its a temperature and humidity thing, so hard to control, outside, its going to be 100 on Monday isn’t it? it that crazy time of year, hot, cold, fire, … inside in smaller pots for babies is good…:wink:

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You think I should start photos? I was just gonna order another 3 autos. And yeah at first I was extremely annoyed but now I’m like, damn oh well it was a learning experience.

It’s already hoot as hell somewhere like 35c lmao

the first stage is the hardest and most important to get right, there is a section In here about how to germinate seeds, cup or paper towel method both work well, in a warm environment-not hot 22-27 'C then solo cups, clear and coloured… under cheap flouro lights for the fist few weeks if you can if they are photos or autos, at the same temps, with a bit of humidity… outside is like a furnace… then cold… and its windy… it will try and break tiny seedlings… but u need a breeze inside too as the steams will be too weak, so a fan after a few days, or hours…:grinning:

take your time man, or you will just be wasting a lot of money on seeds… order some more by all means just, plan and execute don’t work under the pump, it will lead to disappointment, :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

you will be right though, I promise you will do well… eventually :grinning:

thanks man, i appreciate it so much. I would prefer autos since it’s a faster yield, less yield but faster…
I will defiantly take a lot more precaution next time hahah thank you

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Have you thought about using some thing like rapid rooters. it helps simplify things. Also, just a suggestion. Rather than drop all 3 at once. it may be worth starting one. Then once you have it in a pot. Start the next. Each time it should get easier for you and it lessens the chance of loosing all at once again.

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I’ll definitely be doing one at a time hahah i feel so daft messing up so quickly. I’ll look into getting rapid rooters ive heard they’re really good


They make things easier I think. it gives the stem a little more support too

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thanks man, appreciate it. I just ordered another 3 ww autos, seedsman is having a black friday sale so they threw in a bunch of other seeds, so i guess it’s not all that bad hahah


best not to mention other seed merchants

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You can mention them all you want. Just no links.

The rule of thumb is: if the site sells something, it’s not appropriate to put up. The main exception is Amazon.

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