First grow and I'm so confused about nutes!

Hi Fully Medicated, I’m back! I’m at the end of week six with the WW autos and I’m getting a lot of yellow fan leaves. I’ve read that’s normal but it’s really accelerated over the past week. Perhaps it’s hard to gauge or see, but my buds look like they’re not getting any larger. I’m using the FF Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom at half recommended strength but I’m beginning to wonder if they need more food.
They’ve been outside from day 1 so they get plenty of sun. The pale leaves that are turning yellow are starting to concern me. What do you think? I would send a picture but I’m not really sure how that works…I’m technologically impaired, lol.

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without the pics its hard to say. click the button that looks like a picture

make sure u let it upload completely before you hit reply

So I’m using a laptop…do I download the ilgm app onto my phone and then go from there? Thank you!

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not sure im on my phone lol. but just so u know your plants will start sucking the nutrients out of the lower leaves naturally at its own time and pace. they could also be hungry as well. in not the guy u want advising on nutrients so please wait for the pros to ring in. @AfgVet @MidwestGuy @Cannabian

How do I tag them in this thread?

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i already did for you. all u gotta do is type “@“ and then the screen name of any member you need to contact. such as @TipperWilson

Thank you so much. I think I’ve figured out how to take a picture. Not sure how to attach it to the thread but maybe I’ll figure it out.

When you open the reply to type. See the square
Let it finish uploading after selecting or taking.

It really depends on the climate… outdoors is a little different in that respect. The larger the container/ bag/ or plant in ground, the less frequently you need to water. In addition, a plant in a hot windy place will require more water. Soil types will also influence holding capacity of water. In general, its ok to let a plant run to the point it loses turgidity… that means starts to wilt slightly… when you water it will become turgid in about 15 to 20 minutes. Letting a plant do that confirms that you aren’t overwatering. Then just cycle so you dont hit that wilting point.

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Here are some pictures of the yellowing leaves. Should I be concerned?

Thanks @Budz for the advice on how to post a pic!

Thank you for that detailed advice. I just posted a picture of 2 of my plants if you wouldn’t mind weighing in.

Yellowing at the end stages is fairly normal, I see no concerns. Also, its a good sign that you wont be getting nasty fert taste in yer dope! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Thanks Canabian!