I sorry but I don’t understand a two hour long and call Walker schedule?
@gldeaton50, here is the link to my journalhttp://ilgmforum.com/t/beginner-grow-falling-in-love/13992
Thanks you should have told me sooner I’m glad to be following along now.
@Hogmaster, I gave her 12 hours last night. When I got her up I noticed her leaves were drooping. She was due for a feeding, so I thought she would likely perk back up afterward. It has been about three hours and her leaves are still droopy. She was only 18" from the overhead light, so I raised that up to 21", but the light was not on yet, so it was not light related I don’t think…do you have any ideas on this?
Hi T I’m not sure the standard answer is they need water when their leaves are drooping. Have you done anything different other than lowering the light schedule? I’ll do a little research and see what I can come up with.
@gldeaton50, no, the only thing different is the light schedule. I was just thinking, that maybe because the lights were off for so long, that made the humidity level go up and that is the cause??? I am right now reading 54% humidity and 84 degrees temp…I just don’t understand the sudden change in appearance. I am very concerned with this.
I understand your concern I’m trying to find some help for you. That temp is about 10 higher than it should be for an auto see if you can get it down. If it is a water problem it takes them a little time to respond lowering the temp will help. I don’t think It was the light change although it was rather drastic. I’ll get back as soon as I can find anything of help.Have you checked PH of water?
@gldeaton50, I have not checked the ph. I have a meter coming this week, but she gets spring water with the same nutes as always. She might be picking up a little…or it could be wishful thinking. I am working on the temp as we speak.
She’ll perk back up give her a day or two
@Hogmaster, ok. Thanks
Tr33 I have read and searched and can’t find any real reason for leaf droop other than over or under watering unless it is a lack of potassium which is responsible for the plants ability to circulate water throughout the plant.You need to check the PH of water in and out if it is way off 6.5 to 6.8 it could lead to nutrient lockup in your soil. Other than that you might go back to a 18/6 light schedule.
@Jmesser80 @Hogmaster My 24k auto is coming up on 3wks tomorrow and I was wondering when you topped your plants?
@gldeaton50 I topped my autos around 3 weeks. But what Actualy made me top them when I did was because they had 5 nodes and working on there 6th. The 6th node is the one I fimmed.
@Jmesser80 What exactly is fimmed? Creating 4 instead of 2?
@gldeaton50 typically a cannabis plant will have 1 main cola growing from the top of the plant. When you top a plant you create 2 main colas. When you fimm a plant it can create 4, sometimes even more.
Usualy when you top or fim a plant it also helps keep the plant short and bushy. The lower branches end up growing taller. Indoors this is helpful because it allows the lower branches to receive more light giving them the ability to create larger buds. Outdoors it isn’t as crucial because the lower branches will generally receive enough light to create larger buds. (I would still recommend topping or fimming an outdoor as well if you want to keep it stealthy)
OK thanks.
I wonder if there is any diffenrence in hight of the plants after fimming and topping. I mean is it he same wih both techniques or will the plant grow taller after fimming than after topping them?
@JedSanders Since the plants growth is going into 4 main tops instead of 2 fimming should cause the plant to spread out more.Both will encourage lower growth to grow more rapidly as well.
@gldeaton50 so with both methodes it’s not growing tall but wide! And there is no difference between the two topping/fimming? I mean im the size of the plants
@JedSanders Fimming should cause the plant to spread more than topping and the vertical height will be decreased more with fimming than topping.