First auto grow, FF Ocean Forest & FF Trio Feed Schedule?

This is my first grow ever. Honestly I’m totally clueless when it comes to the feeding schedule, I have Fox Farm ocean forest soil and Fox Farm Trio. Plant is just over 2 weeks old. When and how much of which nuts should I use??

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I would wait until week 5 to start and start with 1/2 the recommended dosage.


Like Skorp said, you won’t need to add nutrients till week 5 or 6. FFOF is hot, meaning it has nutes in it.

Stay on week 4 of veggie nutes, per the feeding schedule. Yes, only start with half a dose, and make you are watering to runoff, FF has a reputation of salt build ups.

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I am at week 5 and my plant is just starting to have pistils and I don’t want to mess it up so I didn’t feed it anything. It’s doing great in Oceans. But maybe I’ll do what your saying… Half the recommendations so your saying half the fertilizer concentration as well?

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yes the first week do half dose.

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First off I want to thank you again. Your advice has been the most helpful to me so far. I did half a dose just like you said choosing only to feed it once and I got a few pre flower hairs…this week (week 7) I went with a full dose and actually yesterday before the full dose the plant surprised me and decided to grow an additional 6 inches overnight (I was completely shocked) then after the full dose the plant produce an increase of about 25% flower or bud overnight after the fertilizer (very excited) so again I am very weary about giving it too much because I killed my last plant in week 4 because I fertilized it too early. So what do you think for this week and the next two do I just do the one dose on the fertilizer or do I want to give it two since it increase yield by 25% overnight? Thanks again for your expertise.

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after the first initial dose go with a full dose once a week

If you water twice I feed once and just straight water the other.

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