What is this that appears attached to tip of leaf? Is this normal? Seems it’s pulling everything back down. Unknown seed. Trying to get some skills before using the seeds I bought. It’s in a jiffy disk after germ in water.
See anything that might help me. I have it under a cheap lowes grow light now…afraid to hit it with alot yet.
Light is about 20" up.
Have really added water…maybe few drops since I soaked the disck and dropped the seed on the 22nd.
Any help would be great.
Appears to be the seed shell still attached (this is normal)
That’s the colital leaves
They give leaves nutrients while she’s still a developing little baby plant
Totally normal
Edit: or the shell still normal lol
Cool I kinda thought I was ok. But where it’s attached the leaf seem like it brownish.
So I should not touch all that and just let it happen?
Yep, just leave her alone to do her thing. She should start looking like what you’d expect in a couple of days
If the shell doesn’t fall off (if that’s what that is) by the time it starts trying to grow other leaves…get some tweezers and a spray mist bottle and help take it off
That’s good. Maybe a little closer on the light. I have one I got from HomeDepot that I leave about 8" away.
Might be part of the seed’s shell. Try using a needle or toothpick to remove. Unless mine develops helmet head or praying hands, I don’t worry about the end of that leaf. If it seems stuck in the soil try digging it out. Above all be gentle.
See that little serrated leaf? That’s the one you don’t want to damage.
Yes there are already other leaves…that thing seemed stuck in the soil slightly…I did brush some away slightly with tweezers…but didn’t totally free it I don’t think…got skeered…lol…but it seems it being stuck in soil has bent the plant over to the soil…this all happened just since this morning…to the point I could halfway see what was going on…I am shocked at the growth rate.
The weird part is the top picture…almost looks like another sprout or tail going down into the soil
I believe it’s the plant growing and it’s “top” stuck to soil…It is odd…I need look make sure…if it is stuck and pushing the stalk up and causing it to grow back downward should I free it?
If you have light on it the top will naturally grow up and the stem grow down….are you just yankin my chain here
Sure enough…by time I check it, the little dirt I moved away allowed it to free itself already.
The Browning is normal there?
Can see in first picture it’s out of soil now.
It reaching for the light and gonna be way taller now that it’s loose
She’ll be fine. I always remove my caps like others said above. Normally just a little squirt of water makes them easy to just slide off.
thanks everybody!,im going to have a million stupid questions im sure,youre gonna be sick of me,sorry! lol,
Do some reading through the grow guides…try and go through the forums searching for your particular interests…don’t become overwhelmed it’s easy to let yourself
New questions?
I have ocean floor and coco coir, my intentions were 1/3 coir 2/3 ocean floor. And I’m not sure how much perlite I should add…can any guide me with that?
Should the ocean floor provide around 6weeks of food correct assumption?..then start adding my bergman nutrients on week 7?
Any guidance on any this is MORE than welcomed please?
Iv read what I can find and still have questions about watering as well.
Think I have prepared to keep watering ph close.
Should I water till I have run off every time? Or just after I start feeding nutes?
20% run off?
@trj7714 Ok lots of questions here’s my best effort but anyone can and will correct me which is awesome for both of us!
The soil will provide nutes for around 4-5weeks. Ultimately your plants will let ya know through how their leaves act/look…
Watering is gonna also be dictated by the particular plant…some take more than others…
The watering until runoff everytime part (I would think) would REALLY take the nutrients out of the soil…which isn’t bad but why would you wanna flush the roots when they’re really delicate and tender and not having problems…
I think the nutrients aren’t needed for at least a month and this is starting from seedling in THAT soil and even then I don’t think I would put a seedling in this soil…it just might burn it
Watering to runoff (from my understanding, I grow outdoors so am probably wrong) … is basically to check your ph levels and ppms to see how and when your nutes are actually needed @PurpNGold74 can really help you better than I
Awesome thanks! Filling holes in my thoughts!..how much perlite you think?(by cubic space)…yes on the seedling as well…I’m planning to do autoflowers @24/7 critical mass. Got those now but tryn to do these unknown ones to get a grasp…have put $ and lots of time in a room is almost to ready…or close as my budget can go…I’ll send pics…your help is great thanks…have read your other posts too!
Bruh…imma be honest I know diddly jack about indoors…if purp can’t help ya he knows someone that can but give him time he’s a busy dood! Also you’re most welcome hope I helped somehow…and wasn’t too incorrect along the way
Yah,I get it…but youre still help me out. Maybe that dude will show up too:metal: