First attempt unknown seed

Seed husk. Thanks for the tag @grizZz lemme catch up a bit

Spot on my brother! All solid info.

24/7 light aint my fav recommendation. 20-4 or 18-6 is alot better. Everything alive needs rest.

Haha thats a frigging fact man. Life has been kicking my butt. But…

This :point_up_2:t5::point_up_2:t5: Everything u said was solid.

Welcome to ILGM @trj7714

The Ocean Forest and coco im not so sure about. Two completely diff mediums. Im more of a fan of adding 1/4 to 1/3 perlite to my soils (mostly Fox Farms, being recycled).


So @trj7714 anymore questions? Shoot away while u got my attention lol. Plus i got u on watch so ill see in this thread but… stoner brain. Attention Deficit to the extreme


Ahh man the pressure! Lol…going down the interstate…I’ll have to hope you see me later. I’m sure I’ll be screaming again!

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Haha anytime man. Seriously usually here wayyyyy to often. When im gon it seems like i miss all the good stuff. Shoot me a tag when ur settled and ready

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Highly recommend everyone starts here. Always being updated even if the article dates aren’t. I’ve noticed them change in 4 hours time. The date of article didn’t change tho. Go through all of this.
And I don’t mean all 200+. Just the mains. It’ll take you here.

The main site/seed store’s guides are invaluable. 90% of the questions I see here wouldn’t be questions if people just skimmed those.
Believe it or not theres a really old thread here that says to go there first. But obv we like to show off knowledge too.


Curious why you are gonna mix coco coir with the ocean forest. I use a coco coir pellet in the center of a pot full of FF ocean forest and put my already germinated seeds in the coco. Gives it a little time to root before it hits the ocean forest soil witch is a little hot for a seedling.
Ocean forest will usually go about 5 weeks before you have to add nutes. Coco has no nutes. When adding perlite I mix about 1 part perlite to 4 parts of everything else. 5 gal bucket = 1 gal perlite 4 gals of what ever soil I’m using


Coco is neutral and holds more moisture. The latter is why I would never add to soil.

I’ve never used coco for anything other than starting seeds but I seen a lot of people that use it exclusively. Seems like too much work for me. My soil is years worth of pond mud and compost mixed with organic soil, peat and perlite for aeration and drainage. I use ff ocean forest for the first 6-7 weeks while they are indoors. I transplant from ff ocean forest to my greenhouse I don’t need to add any nutes all the way through to harvest. Don’t have to check ph or ppm’s unless some kind of problem shows up.


Awesome thanks.
I’m to green to guess where my roots would be over time…that center core skeets me. But I get it and like it. My impression was that the coco helped with water and ph. In the soil. I’m still trying to learn. I’m reading things that are both pro and con on the coco mix.
Man I appreciate all thoughts and advice tho!
I have plenty to learn.

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There’s a thousand ways to grow marijuana find someone that grows the way you want to try and follow them. Read some grow journals. There’s a bunch of really good ones.
Welcome to the the best MJ forum there is.


This one cracked but tail didn’t seem to want to come out in water after three days.
So I put it in a jiffy disk. It poked it’s head out late Saturday, and today it’s about 1.5 inches tall.
How long can I let it go in the disk without feeding it anything?..I’ve set the disk like a plug inside coco.
How long till I move it to big pot with ocean forrest?
It also looks frosted white in a magnified picture…is the thing growing at a decent rate and look ok?

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Looks good what kind and size pot is it in now

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A week tomorrow this seed went in the ground, barely cracked open.
It’s about 2 inches maybe. Seems great leaf color and I think I see a second set trying to start. Little worried about the stem color and when I it’s going to outgrown the jiffy disk.
Any advise by looks and how long it’s good in the jiffy pod?
Thanx in advance.

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Looks like you have a good bit of time. I dont transplant until leaves are as wide as the pot (they hang over the edges).


Feeling ok…

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He/she was still underground on the 22nd.
Looking ok?
73° about 58% humidity and my light is on about 50% and 16 or so inches.
Keep me on track here you guys :slightly_smiling_face:

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She looks perfect my guy. Just let her get good and rolling in the bigger pot and I promise she’ll explode

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