Finally, 10 plants have died

They always wither with the same symptoms.

What could be the problem?

I checked various posts, but I couldn’t find anyone with the same symptoms.

Last time, I tried adding CalMag and potassium, but it didn’t improve.

This time, I performed flushing, and the current EC is 0.4.

The soil I’m using is Lambert LM AP.
I water them with pH 6.5 and EC 0.7.

I’m really, really struggling.

Please help me.、

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Any pics of the plant? What lighting/intensity?

Edit to add: how old are plants? Frequency of watering?


sorry this happened!!! i can only imagine the frustration spending all that money and to have them all die!!! you really want to figure this out b4 trying again. like last poster said need info: pictures, what stage of growth. initial symptoms and corrective actions to what results/symptoms.


I have added the missing information.

Thank you for your comment!

I’m using an Optic 4 Gen 4 light, set at 40% intensity and positioned 32 inches away.

The plants have already been in the vegetative stage for 8 weeks.


Got pics of yhe whole plant. How much are you watering that soil looks really wet


All the plants have similar symptoms and are slowly withering.


Whole plant pics please. That’s an old fan leaf likely due to die soon anyway.

Looks like odd soil, too wet. Stem size and leaf spacing indicates insufficient light.


I water each 3-gallon pot with 400ml.

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What nutes are you using

How ofter?

Yeah i dont mnow about that light might be wo weak

I’m using DUTCH FORMULA GROW and CalMag GH.

These are leftover nutrients from last year when I was doing hydroponics.:blush:

It’s after it dries, but recently it’s about once a week.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Room temp: 75°F, humidity: 60%​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Since it looked weak, I was reducing the light intensity.
I’ll increase it now!

I used some homemade soil for several pots. However, it grown in Lambert soil are showing the same symptoms…​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


I’m not familiar with the soil used.


It looks like the start of root rot caused by too much water too often and not enough air for the roots. Let the soil dry out.

Stick your finger in the top of the soil and see if it’s damp 1 to 2 inches down. If it is damp it doesn’t need more water.

You could add perlite or coconut coir to the potting mix to improve drainage and aeration around the roots.

Air pockets and better drainage can be achieved by adding coconut coir to potting mix at a 50/ 50 ratio or by adding perlite at a 70/ 30 ratio (70% soil to 30% perlite). The ratios are measured by volume not weight because perlite weighs next to nothing. To make up the ratios, use a plastic container and take 7 scoops of soil and 3 scoops or perlite and mix them up.

If you use perlite, it needs to be wet/ washed before use because it has a fine dust in it that can damage your lungs if you inhale it. The easiest way to wet/ wash it is to poke a few small holes in the bottom of the bag of perlite. Then make a small slit in the top of the bag. Do this on the lawn so the dust washes into the soil. Put a garden hose in the top of the bag and turn the tap on a bit. Rinse the perlite and inside of the bag and let the bag fill up with water. Let the water drain out and then you have wet/ washed perlite. You can fill the bag and rinse it several times if you’re really concerned about the dust. Use the perlite while it’s damp.

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