Hi guys
I have attached photos of the plant, it is under lights 12 hours a day, it is a 80 X 80 X 160 tent, 600w LED Panel, we only have a 4 inch fan circulating the air, can you please let us know what is wrong with it, the leaves are sagging and have brown spots, some of the tips are dying, it has been in the tent for a week
Shelly and Trev
I’m no pro when it comes to diagnosing problems as this isn’t something I’ve experienced. Knock on wood.
But from what I can see it’s a wide range of problems. Hey @PurpNGold74 what say you?
Fill out a support ticket so we know where to Start
Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?
System type?
PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS
Indoor or Outdoor
Light system, size?
Temps; Day, Night
Humidity; Day, Night
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
Co2; Yes, No
Definitely fill out that support ticket. Thanks for the tag @MrPeat
The burnt tips looks like a bit of nute burn. Are u supplementing them with any nutes?
Also the plants look outside. Be SUPER CAREFUL bout bugs and accidentally infecting ur grow area
No we only shifted it outside cos we didn’t know what was happening, we are first time growers under lights,
It is a Blue OG fem
It is grown in Perlite 30%/Coco 70%
It is hand watered (watering can)
It is given Powerfeed/Seasol fertiliser once a week
It is grown in a 80 X 80 X 160 CM Tent,
We have a 600w LED Panel,
Average temperature is approx 25-32 (night-day)
The average temperature in the tent is 27 during the day
We only have a 4 inch fan circulating the air
Hope this helps
Shelley and Trev
We are first time growers under lights
It is a Blue OG fem
It is in Perlite 30%/Coco 70%
It is hand watered (watering can)
It is given Powerfeed/Seasol fertiliser once a week
It is grown in a 80 X 80 X 160cm tent
We have 600w LED Panel
The average temperature is 25-32 (night-day),
The average temperature in the tent is 27 during the day
We only have a 4 inch fan circulating the air
Shelley and Trev
if your talking 25-32 farenheit thats your troubles in a nut shell…25-32c your probably to warm especially with lites off.
We have plants outside and it gets to 32c, and they are doing really good, the average temperature in the tent is 27c during the day, we are confused, would an exhaust fan help
more air flow the better but dont blow the plant over…lol…certainly wouldnt hurt nothing 32c in a tent I think is a bit warm what is your humidity in the tent?here is where I keep my tent I let it go 10% over to the hi side during veg I dont let it get less than 50%rh no more than 65%rh
i am not a pro!!Hi
The temperature during the day inside the tent is between 25-27c (or 77-80f)
Unsure on how high the humidity is,
hmmmmmmmm…im lost sorry I was of no help to ya…
That’s OK mate, thanks for your help anyway, just a question, what wattage and type of light do you use
im using a BEST VA ELITE 2000W LED this grow last grow I was using a VIPAR 700W LED
Im still not quite sure.
What did you say you are supplementing as nutrients?
And let me tag some better skills then I
@blackthumbbetty @Budbrother @MattyBear @peachfuzz all know their stuff. Could u guys scroll up and check his leaves out.
If I’m seeing everything correctly , I’m going to lean towards a cal-mag deficiency and an overwatering issue combined to create a ph issue which will lead to what we are seeing now…
My first thought, but I’ve read that’s almost impossible in coco.
Ya , I keep hearing that…
I’ve never grown in coco , so I’m no help there , I’m just saying what I’m seeing…
The plants don’t lie , no matter what your growing in , soil , coco or water…
True that!
If you’ve only been feeding/watering once a week in coco, and letting it dry out, it can become hydrophobic and can throw off your ph. Coco also leaches calmag (takes what it can absorb first before your plants get any). Do a good flush with 6.0 water and then do a half strength feed on your last gallon going in. You’ll need to water/feed in coco daily, to 20% runoff. Coco is tricky to get a handle on, but once you do, the growth is explosive.
Thanks for dropping some knowledge fellas