Fertilizer how much to use?

I recently received a fertilizer kit and I’m not sure how to use it. The seedling booster calls for a half teaspoon per gallon of water. I only have four plants. How much of the booster will i actually need during the seedling stage?


What medium are you growing in?


Like TLC asked, need to know what’s in your pots? An amended soil could and probably should cover every your plants need for several weeks.


Im growing in soil. I need to know how much to dispense daily. What is ec?

What kind of soil (brand and type)? Some soils have no nutrients, some soils are good for 4 to 6 weeks, and some soils are so hot that they can’t be used to grow cannabis.

Nutrients shouldn’t be dispensed daily as that assumes watering daily. When in soil you would typically water only every 2 to 4 days. Water (feed,) let the soil dry out, and then water (feed) again. These wet/dry cycles are very important for root health.

EC = electrical conductivity. It is a measure of dissolved solids which indicates the nutrient level of the solution you are measuring. You’ll hear of EC, PPM, or TDS. These are all measurements of the same thing, but slightly different ways of looking at that same thing.

Follow the product directions and adjust as necessary to maintain a runoff EC of 2.0 (equivalent to a PPM of 1,000.)


I still don’t understand how much seedling solution i should use on the plants when feeding. Do i feed them with an eyedropper? Do i measure x amount of liquid? Every other day?

You measure out x amount as indicated per instructions on fertilizer container. Add that to a gallon of water. Make sure your pH is in range.

As asked, and it is an important question, what soil are you using? Some soils provide enough nutrients, so that you only have to add water for many weeks.


It dosent take much. Add some Blackstrap molasses to the mixture. Its a hlaf a teaspoon per gallon.

OH YA :100: :rofl: :beers:

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Im using vegetable and flower soil. The brand is sta green.

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Can you post a pic of the plant

The soil is extremely hot and not suitable for cannabis. I would transplant it into a soil that is buffered for cannabis such as a Fox Farm product, Coast of Maine, Roots Organics, or Black Magic. The Sta Green soil contains time-release nutrients that will nuke your plant with nitrogen and submarine your pH every time you water. You will struggle to a maintain proper pH and it will be very difficult to manage nutrient dosing.

Here’s a few examples of plants in a similar soil:


Oh well, i tried… i just wanted to se what if felt like being a professional…lol

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Don’t give up there are solutions to correct the problem! Post a pic and let’s get started :beers: All you need is a TDS pen and a PH pen

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Heres my best one. Im behind a month due to burning up my first seedlings.

This is today this morning. Here it is now almost 8 pm

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Its growing fast

Flush the pot with just ph water get about 25-30% run off and check the ppms and ph of the run off.

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Yes, im on it. I dont have the correct meter yet.im very new to this.
I made some composte tea also.

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In the mean time I would do a big flush. Won’t hurt anything wait for the pot to get lite and do it again.

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I just watered i 2 days ago and the soil is very moist. Not overwhelmingly moist but its moist. I want to wait until it dires and then im going to water it. I will make sure i get good run off but i cannot test it yet. I dont have the correct equipment yet.

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