Feminizing my autos

I was wondering I wanted to feminize my plants is it too late or the right time to start spraying them

Im pretty sure you don’t start spraying until first week of flower so plenty of time so as soon as you see pistil clusters go for it for about 2-3 weeks until the sacs form

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you can do it two ways.

Clone and spray the clone, or seperate the ones you want to create pollen and spray.

With autos 2-3 weeks above ground you spray the a plant twice a day

Thing is autos are mature from sprout so you need to get to it before it develops


Was gonna say same as pharmer bob. About 2 to 3 weeks above soil start spraying the sites where the buds will form so when it does flower it will start to throw male flowers right away. I do hear it is a bit tough to get autos like this but i am going to give it a shot here shortly also. Are u using collodial or sts

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I used colloidal , @repins12 has had success with sts I believe


How did colloidal work out for u. Did u do autos or photos. If i may ask. Wanna find out as much as i can before i start. I have a 3w oz bottle of 70ppm collodial

Did u spray and collect pollen or let the plant self pollinate too is another queation??

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Successful on photo, yet to try auto. Just going off what I was told auto breeders will do to trigger the response.

Collected pollen, used a qtip to dab some on another female plant to create seeds.

Saved rest inside an envelope that’s inside a seal lock glass container that sits in dark cool area.

Thought I had sent this a while ago

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I will be spraying an auto either today or the next few days with the STS :v:t4:


Am I misreading this post, or does the original poster actually want to try and feminized his already growing Autoflower plants?

If I am wrong and he is trying to produce feminized seeds then all of the above is excellent information.

If you are trying to feminize already growing plants, now that’s going to be a lot more difficult and not practical for home Growers


Makes me wonder now also if he knows he’s going to make a male non smokeable plant

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Yes im looking to feminizing one of four and growing for seeds right now im almost out of that strain. When I started I was hoping for at least one male but four girls. Yep I know im making in no good for smoke seeds before weed lol but thank you so much for the information I love growing and learning.

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I have not done any seed production so take this for what it is. This is how I would approach making feminized seeds.
Amazon.com : Plant Feminizing Spray, 2 Oz Bottle. : Garden & Outdoor
First I don’t know if 30ppm coloidal silver is enough ppm to do the job. I would do a little more research on that but I would opt for the sprays available retail made for just that purpose.
Next I would separate the plant you want to force hermie from the rest and try to force flower under 12/12 light so it gets a jumpstart on flowering and using the spray as directed.
Hopefully you get pollen soon enough to knock up one of your other plants. I wouldn’t use seeds from the plant you forced hermie, it may make the seeds prone to make hermie plants so I would use a different plant as a mother. The rest is basic nature, pollenate your donor female and collect your feminized seeds. I may have missed a few things but this is how I would go about it if I wanted seeds.

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Thank you for the info fast fingers crossed it works for me lol. It’s a ton of fun trying

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Maybe this will help :v:t4:


Hell yes I love the positive help im getting I got faith this is going to be a success. Thank you


If there is anything that I can help with, just give me a holler :+1:t4: :v:t4:


I will ill keep you posted on my grow thanks a ton

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