Feminized and autoflower together

Hey everyone, been wondering this for a while but haven’t found anything online that fits the mold of my situation. So I’m growing autoflowering and feminized together. But the thing is I plan on keeping the lighting at 18/6 the entire time throughout the autoflower life cycle and eventually transplanting my feminized outside after first frost next year to get some monster trees. Has anyone ever done this before? If so is there any benefits/disadvantages to doing so?

Thanks everyone. I appreciate the advice/suggestions.

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Outside after 1st frost is kinda different :thinking::green_heart::metal:t2:

But yes run your photos vegging with Autos will be fine :+1:t2:


Awesome! I appreciate it. Didn’t wanna have to construct an entire extra grow room on the fly. Lol

I would assume that’s 7-9 months away and not being a nay sayer but with 1 grow space I don’t see that being possible. How large is your grow space and age of the autos? You have a few options depending on the answer for those 2.
1st option- Change your light schedule to 12/12 to flower the photos with the autos…when to flip the schedule depends on the grow space and plant count. Flip the photos in early veg to keep the plant size manageable to the grow space.

2nd option- put the autos outside and veg the photos inside, but again you’re looking at a long veg with the plants getting very large and doubling in size once flowering sets in. Personally I would go with option 1, I’ve done this several times :love_you_gesture:


It’s 20 x 8 currently
And just a week to a couple days old currently. My feminized is around a month but went through a shock/stress period where my cat got into my closet when they were in there to germinate and pulled it out of the dirt. So it’s not big to where it will tower over. It actually looks miniature.

I only have 2 feminized currently and 8 autoflower. 1 feminized just started though and got transplanted into final pot this morning.

I do fully plan on using LST to get my feminized to be wider than tall in the weeks/months to come as well.

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Nice Growmie, I would veg the photos for 6 -8 weeks or so and flip the light. The autos won’t miss a beat under 12/12. Good luck with whatever decision you make, often the right one has its challenges as well. Never a dull moment growing cannabis :love_you_gesture:


You probably wont fit your plants through the door to go outside if you veg them for 7 months.


I think this time around I have to give in to my experimental desires and tie it down for a while and then when it gets close to March/April just let it take off. Once it gets to around May time I will put it outside and watch these two monsters tower.
I will definitely be trying your suggested method next Full cycle.

I want to play around with different growing methods and styles until I find what feels right to me ya know?

Thank you for your time and advice! Always needed and appreciated.

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I plant on tying them down and keeping them low as possible. I have not a large doorway but it’s not small thankfully. Worst case scenario if I sense that it’s getting out of hand I’ll immediately switch the light cycle over to 12/12 and hope for the best.

Definitely going to keep the dimensions and pathway in mind though. Good food for thought.

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Anytime Grow Bro :love_you_gesture:

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Tying them down will help vertically but keep in mind they will get wider the more you tie them down. Not trying to discourage you from experimentation, just seems unrealistic to me. My outdoor plant has been vegging for 16 weeks now and is 7 ft. tall and over 5 ft wide


I will definitely make sure I’m keeping track of dimensions of plants and dimensions of the doorway.

I appreciate you keeping me grounded instead of getting swept up in the excitement!


After first frost is April? I would check the daylight hours where you live. Too early and there will be less than 12 hours daylight, which will immediately throw them into flower.


I didn’t mean immediately after first frost. Just like after it has happened. My bad, should have added more details. I was thinking may. I’m in Ohio. It would give 14.5 hours of light. I know that’s risky but I’m thinking/hoping it won’t make them flower.

Thank you for bringing that up though I now know to check the amount of daylight before taking them outside.

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I’d say you will be fine with 14.5 hrs. Good luck with them.

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