Please see attached pics and help determine the sex, thanks!
Not seeing anything on the first two pics. Third (the one you have marked 1) looks to be a male.
I’d have to agree w/ @BobbyDigital. But you still have some time before you need to pull it, if it is a male. Maybe give a day or two to see how it develops
Keep an eye on #1 for sure.
1 is a male for sure
Any tips for keeping the females (if the others turn out to be) healthy outdoors? Second grow
I could also benefit from some more eyes and opinions on my plants, mind if I tag in for some help ?
Like it had been said it’s a make for sure on #1
Keep posting more pics of 2 and 3
Sorry about #1
TY. Already disposed of #1, sadly. I think #2 might be a male also but we’ll see.
Pray for the best, but I gotta feeling 2 and 3 will be with #1.
But post pics just to make sure
This is kinda old school, so for what it’s worth
The top in your pic would be female when the pistils form an x
The bottom is male when the pistils stay Y
And here is a pic of mine at week 5
Awesome. TY
Not seeing signs of either on that one yet.
1 is def a male…2 is too early still I think
I’ll keep and eye on it.
To me no! Depends on how you like your trichomes. Just now eating sugar from the leaves.