Females or males? Help!

Please see attached pics and help determine the sex, thanks!

Not seeing anything on the first two pics. Third (the one you have marked 1) looks to be a male.


I’d have to agree w/ @BobbyDigital. But you still have some time before you need to pull it, if it is a male. Maybe give a day or two to see how it develops

Keep an eye on #1 for sure.

1 is a male for sure

Any tips for keeping the females (if the others turn out to be) healthy outdoors? Second grow

I could also benefit from some more eyes and opinions on my plants, mind if I tag in for some help ?

Like it had been said it’s a make for sure on #1

Keep posting more pics of 2 and 3
Sorry about #1

TY. Already disposed of #1, sadly. I think #2 might be a male also but we’ll see.

Pray for the best, but I gotta feeling 2 and 3 will be with #1.
But post pics just to make sure

This is kinda old school, so for what it’s worth
The top in your pic would be female when the pistils form an x
The bottom is male when the pistils stay Y
And here is a pic of mine at week 5

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Awesome. TY

how about this one?

Not seeing signs of either on that one yet.

I’m assuming that #1 is a male?

1 is def a male…2 is too early still I think

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I’ll keep and eye on it.

Anybody know if this is done?

To me no! Depends on how you like your trichomes. Just now eating sugar from the leaves.