Fans with seedlings

Do i run my exhaust fan and circulating fan when the seed pops . Also I seen another Thread about misting the inside of a solo cup and putting it over top of the seedling. I have a dedicated seedling tent with a humidifier. I can set the humidity to whatever I want. Well I still need to put a cup over them to water


The intent of a dome is to force humidity to 85% plus. If you can get to 85% with a humidifier, then go for it, otherwise use a dome.


I use a dome along with the humidifier for the first few weeks.

Do you leave the Dome on even after the seedling has sprouted

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First 10-14 days normal for me.

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So without a humidifier, I should plan to stick with a clear dome over my seedlings?

Do the seedlings (plan on starting with White Widow auto’s for my first grow) need to go into the tent as soon as they’re planted in their soil, or can they be “windowsill seedlings” for a certain amount of time?


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