Exhaust system in grow tent

Hello this is my first time growing and I have a grow tent. Should I be running the exhaust 24/7 if I’m in seedling stage? Or do I run the system later on ?


Welcome to the forum! Lots of experienced growers to help you. I just wanted to welcome you!


I was wondering the same thing, and if so what’s a good option to look into?

Also welcome, and happy growing!

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Thank you !!!

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I was also reading something in the humidity section that was saying it wasn’t needed until the flowering stage when they start to smell

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I wouldn’t worry about using it during seedling. Depending on the brand and type you have you can use it to keep your humidity and heat from getting to high if it has the capability. I’m to high to put into worlds what I mean. Set it, when it gets to whatever setting you put it at, it will turn on. Etc


Yep, not much air exchange needed at this point but after the first couple weeks, you’re plants will be better served with constant air exchange 24/7, need that fresh air and co2. Warm, stale air out, fresh air in.


That would be the carbon filter.

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For a great exhaust fan, look into AC Infinity.


Get the 6" you won’t regret it


Ok thank you !!

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Thank you !!!

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What about temperature control , you would wanna run your exhaust fan to vent the heat from an hid light? Wouldn’t you? @Hellraiser

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Yes, if running a hid, would need to exhaust to keep temps under control, at least while light is on.

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I have LED’s

Cool, it was a personal question I just went from blurple to hid , at his advice just wanted to confirm.

I believe the exhaust fan is hooked up to the lights to help keep the tent cooler.

Welcome @mzlaina00 I am new too and wondered the same thing. My wife said to me yesterday is the garage supposed to smell of weed?
So my plants are less than 3 weeks and smell already. Put the filter/fan on and viola so smell.

Good luck Fergus


I understand. I just have the one where you plug it in and it runs. I didn’t see a off and on switch.


We run ours all the time, no filter. @dbrn32 @MattyBear @VTGROW

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