Yes sir! I’ll tag some people to help yu along the way bro! But it’s goin decent so far! I’m going organic tho! With Gaia green amendments! Am growing white widow auto’s lol here they are so far I got one lady in flower!
Nice those look solid!!! Gonna make some great buds hopefully!!! Appreciate the help and taggin those who may have some pointers. That’s what I really dig about this community. Seems everyone just wants to see everyone succeed. It’s pretty cool!!! Excited to see your ladies grow up big and strong!!!
Most definitely bro! This is the best forum out there! Happy grows bro! Yu need anything just tag me or anyone I tagged! If I can help I will!!
You will have to monitor your runoff to know when to start feeding. Do you have an EC/TDS pen?
Are you using tap water, and if so have you tested the EC/TDS of it? Cal/mag would only be necessary at this point if you were using pure water like R/O, distilled, or rain. Typically tap water would take care of that need unless it happens to be very low EC tap water.
Are your plants photo periods or autos? Either way, you transplanted a bit early, but that’s more harmful if they’re autos, not so much if they’re photos.
Be very cautious with the Grow Big until you get an idea of how much of the initial charge is still left in the soil. If you have Big Bloom, that’s safe to use right now, but I’d hold off on the Grow Big or Tiger Bloom for now.
I have a ph monitor and tds/ec monitor. Not the greatest but they seem to do ok for now. Til I can afford a nice one haha. Using pure water ph’d to about 6.4. I have a half dose of the big bloom in another container that I have used sparingly. So big bloom is ok??? May add cal-mag to my ph’d water and use mostly that for now. Until they start asking for nutes???
Growing photos. Durban Poison and Girl Scout Cookies Extreme. The DP is definitely a grower as it’s already a couple nodes ahead of the GSCE.
Hoping to get a few decent buds this first go around, but mostly just wanna learn so each grow can get better.
The discoloration in those leaves could be a few things, but I think it might be due to you trying to pH pure water. Pure water has no mineral content, so technically it really doesn’t have a true pH value either.
I would suggest running some pure water through them, and measure the runoff pH to see where it’s at. It’s possible that you’ve altered the pH in the root zone by adding up or down when it wasn’t necessary.
For future reference, pure water will take on the pH of the medium you add it to. So unless you have a reason to believe your soil pH is off, you can give it to them as is. Once you add nutrients to the pure water, then you’ll need to adjust the pH before giving it to them.
So you should check your runoff pH, and the EC/TDS before you make any decisions on how to proceed.
Ok gonna do that here probably tomorrow and see where I’m at. I’ll let you know what I get for a reading and hope you’ll guide me on a better trajectory!!! Really appreciate the advise there on the water front. Mighta been adding a problem for something I was trying to eliminate hahaha.
I’ll see what I get for readings tomorrow and go from there. Thanks again @Cap_Ron !!!
Also if you just transplanted ffof and ffhf both feed for 4 to 6 weeks so I wouldn’t introduce any nutes but I would introduce calmag because fox farms is known to have that deficiency.
As far as perlite it never made sense to me why people add perlite to fox farms it already had perlite in it.
Fimmed the Durban Poison today. First time Fimming so a little nervous about cutting but I think I did ok…
The Girl Scout Cookie Extreme is looking ok so far. Not quite sure whether I want to fim or top the GSCE. Any recommendations???
PH seems to be sitting pretty solid at 6.4 for all the ladies so I’m happy with that. One DP still has some yellowing on the bottom. Is that ok or should I be doing something to help???
Should I water til runoff and check how things are???
I wouldnt worry about that yellowing for now probably from transplanting and it seems to only be on bottom leaves new growth looks good from the pic.
I don’t think I would water til runoff yet those plants are still filling into their new home with the roots they look happy and healthy to me brother keep it up!
Awesome!!! Thanks for the info. Always worried since this is my first real grow. So of course I’m second guessing everything thinking I’m just killing the darn thing hahaha
So tried fimming a couple days ago and I failed… plants are looking a little sad today. Not sure what seems to be the issue. Any thoughts??? Should I just top and cut my losses literally with the fimming???
Using ph’d water with a hint of cal mag and watering every other day. Not to runoff yet (maybe I should be???) about 10 ounces at a time.
Tent seems to be holding between 72 at night and 79 during daylight and about 45% humidity.
Any help is appreciated. @StickyFrostyBuds @DRsDank @Myfriendis410
Let me know if you need any more info or if you have any thoughts. Please and thank you.
The GSCE seems to be doing great at least haha
How much water you giving them? Looks like maybe a little excess hydration causing some droop? Love those big fat leaves!
@StickyFrostyBuds Giving them about 10 ounces of ph’d water (with a 1/2 dose of cal mag) every couple days.
@StickyFrostyBuds and yes the fan leaves are looking pretty solid. Hoping they bring me big fat buds too!!! Haha
Fimming takes a little bit to show if it worked or not. Some do look like you didn’t go far enough.
As for the droopy maybe 10 onces is not getting to the roots or maybe over time it is building up and over watering. Make sure they dry out between waterings and that pots are lite.
Thank you!!! Appreciate the info!!!
Update time!!!
Been a couple days. Life gets busy especially with two kids running around. But the plants are still alive!!!
1 of the Durban Poisons seems sad though. Awfully droopy and getting a few brown spots on her. My tents has been running a little hot. Low 80’s when the lights are on. Added a humidifier since I couldn’t get it above 45%. Now humidity is sitting around 54% so hopefully that helps. Started back up with nutes. Doing the fox farms regime. Hoping someone might know what’s going on with my dad DP. PH is holding true at 6.5. I haven’t been able to get a solid runoff EC. Either not enough water or the EC pen I have is garbage. (Cheap pen so probably that). Getting a better one soonish. In the meantime see what y’all think???
The other two seem like they’re doing pretty alright perhaps…
Girl Scout Cookies Extreme
Durban Poison 2
Let me know what I could be doing better and feel free to ask more questions about my setup. Would take any and all assistance!!!