So the old drying tent is starting to smell like hay, not sure how to bring the RH up is sitting at 40% temp is 19. Have a 6 inch fan bring air in, 4inch with scrubber bring out the air and a 6 inch at the top of the tent to move air. Am I doing this correctly?
Drying to quick a lot of air movement ,you can buy a humidifier on amazon cheap for a closet or tent I also have heard of just hanging a wet towel in. The space good luck it can comeback just takes time
What about humidifier? Added one, its staying around 60rh now, changed the 6inch to a 4inch
@WickedAle is there a chance to get this hay smell to go away? Just ordered some humidity packs for the curing jars will that help? Appreciate the info.
@WickedAle just read about that today, never heard of it before. Mind dumbing it down for me lol. Feel like I’m missing something when it comes to the paper bag method
Shall do, thanks for the info, was super worried about the hay smell.
You do not want a humidifier in there at this point. You’ll increase the chance of mould. Now is the time to bring the rh down, not bring it back up.
If you have hay smell at this point you’ll have to try and cure it out.
Next time reduce your feed ppms before you flush and or flush earlier. OR
Just start feeding water only around the end of week 6
Did a little trimming after the fact
@EclecticJack Really? Damnit, pretty sure it comes down to the flush to be honest that makes the most sense. Thanks man.