Hey everybody! Let me see if I can tag most everyone here. @Cannabian, @Covertgrower, @CoyoteCody, @blackthumbbetty, @MrPeat, @pptrsha1, @PurpNGold74
Ok, the big chop was this morning. I have her hanging in the grow tent. Should I leave my fans on or not. I am just so paranoid that it will get too moist in there and mold will start. Any input would be great. Oops almost forgot @Oldguy, @Bulldognuts, and @flyinghigh. Here are a couple of pics. As you may or may not know, i took a few of the buds that were ready for sure a few days ago. The initial grab was 1/2 oz., but its still wet and sticky. Thats the 2nd pic. The first pic is the remaining part of the plant.
Close to 60°F at 60%RH with air flow as possible and you’ll do fine.
Hey everybody! Let me see if I can tag most everyone here. @Cannabian, @Covertgrower, @CoyoteCody, @blackthumbbetty, @MrPeat, @pptrsha1, @PurpNGold74
Ok, the big chop was this morning. I have her hanging in the grow tent. Should I leave my fans on or not. I am just so paranoid that it will get too moist in there and mold will start. Any input would be great. Oops almost forgot @Oldguy, @Bulldognuts, and @flyinghigh. Here are a couple of pics. As you may or may not know, i took a few of the buds that were ready for sure a few days ago. Thats still wet and sticky, and weighed 1/2 oz. 20200729_215149|375x500
I recommend to leave the fans on.
Thanks. Having a hard time getting mi pics to upload. I did leave the fans on.
Let’s try the pics again. I kept getting a msg when I tried to post "not allowed to view resource or something like that.
Yes, leave the fans on, but make sure humidity and temps are staying in range.
Like they said, just dont have the fans blowing directly on the weed! You will dry it out way too fast and you can knock trichomes off if fhe plant is flagging around too much. Just a gentle breeze, flowing through the ganja… omg Bob Ross!
Oh and no lights on! Keep it dark or mostly dark.
try to make it last a good 10 days or so… really gently dry it out. Not a race. When it feels sorta crispy yet spongy to the squeeze, its time to begin the cure.
Thank you all! I have not even moved them. I just let the intake and exhaust fans keep on running. Turned the speed down just a hair. Trying to get my humidity up a bit. I had it at 40% when she was flowering. I hear around 50% is about where you want it. That true?
Just adjust the inline fan to be gentle and keep an eye on the the humidity sensor. It should srart out relatively high and start to drop slowly. You cant really tell the humidity of the weed by the room rh, thats a feel thing. Once the weed feels right you can put it in jars for the burping process, at that time stick a RH sensor in the jar with the weed. That is the most accurate way to tell. I dont do that anymore, after a while you can tell when the weed feels an smells right.
I didn’t know there was such a thing. Remember, it ain’t got here yet. Where do I get these? Amazon? I have been gathering the little “silica” packets and will likely put one in each jar for keeping humidity down. Oh, it may be a problem, but i can’t smell anything. Nothing. So that sense is out. I’ll go by feel then. Having a hard time getting the humidity up. Hey, don’t they have moisture meters for buds? I thought I saw some grow on with one on some documentary.
I use these to monitor my RH, they’re very good and they let me watch everything from the kitchen. Nice job on the grow
Thanks for that tip @Davyg!
Hello @patchman,
Great rewards are the best. well done on your grow.
Happy Growing
Hello @Davyg,
I can certainly use one of these gadgets right now. My first grow is not doing so well.
They’re brilliant mate. So easy to monitor as well
fans but not blowing ON the weed
boveda packs might be diff than the silica packs that come in stuff you buy from the store, just to be sure search it. i cant remember why i threw the sikica pks out i saved
I will just throw this out there. I recently bought 10 or 12 mini hygrometers. Lined them up in a cupboard.
2 of them were 10% lower than the mean of others. Threw them out. The others were 1-2% within each other.