Todays ppm and ph : 660 and 5.9
Noticed that half the leaves werent curled once the dome was off, been hardening it off at 1hr domed, 1hr off with the fan gently blowing critical. I’m leaning towards a possible light strength issue/wattage? Its really only thing i can think of, but as far as the yellowing idk since its been hydro from day 1.
I think they are big enough to leave the domes off, may be why they have a yellow tint and curling as well
Update, i did an experiment and left the dome off for an hour and the leaves straightened out so you’re definitely right! Just worried about the gnat problem from my other plants in the room now.
Maybe pick up some yellow sticky traps that should help keep them in check
Grab some from the bag on the closet shelf right side when you stop by
Gnat problem is almost eliminated in a day, thank you dad!
Morning everyone! The ILGM Critical is doing super well, i left it alone and it went poof . PH in the tank is sitting at 6.0 this morning, ppm 650, so i probably wont be able to feed any time soon without a partial water change (siphon method). OG Kush RQS is starting to come up well, but wasnt centered so i added some peat into the grow cone to stabilize it to grow straigh as it was a little wonky this morning. Special Queen #1 is starting to show a microscopic bit of green coming up but nothing much to see yet.
The critical is actually from royal queen. Looks great!
Morning everyone! Critical is doing amazing, nonstop growing overnight. Unfortunately i lost Special Queen #1. After putting it in a water magnification thingy i put together with 2 small clear cups i found it was infested with parasites and/or gnat larvae. Most of the gnat problem has been eliminated but unfortunately, the special queen did not come out unscathed. However, my OG Kush is doing wonderful and is above the lip of the grow cone. Ive been advised to top the critical but my gut kinda wants to wait a bit longer. Any thoughts on this?
Ph this morning was 6.2
Ppm was 632
Morning everyone! Critical is now 4wks 5 days and the OG Kush is 2wks 3 days old. Ive seen some big changes in the last 6 days, Critical is beginning to stretch out in the middle, and it’s grown so tall! I havent done too much with it this week except add a little feed mix with ratios as follows : 4ml FloraGrow, 4ml hydrogen peroxide, .5ml CalMag. Ppm got a bit low this week into the 230s because they’re getting pretty hungry a lot quicker than they were. PH has stayed in the range of 5.8 to 6.2. Probably wont top until week 6 or 7 with the Critical as im hoping it gets a little taller first. Also, i have a theory that the other plants in the room that have been firing off new leaves and growing rapidly has helped set the tone for these two and through some chemical network, they all seem to be taking off pretty good. Sounds a smidge crazy but trees communicate with each other, so hypothetically house plants probably do too.
Looking mighty fine.
I would top that critical if it were mine at this point. I drew on your side profile pic of it to show where I would snip
Sterile scissors and a dab of honey on the cuts. I would also be taking the top and trying to get a clone from it.
Well your mom just informed me that you have already done that so good decision and I’m looking forward to seeing next time you update.
Morning everyone! Been a bit busy, but Critical is doing well. I rigged my setup a little by dismantling the top of the Aerogarden and setting it aside so the pump will still run but its under a new light for the next 6-8wks. Just switched it this past weekend into flower. I havent trimmed anything except the top yet but it looks like it just came back anyway? I wanted to watch and wait until i saw where the buds would start so im not mindlessly chopping stuff that might be important. Critical is almost 7wks and the OGK is almost 5wks but ive moved it to the smaller aerogarden for now so the two light schedules stay separate.
Afternoon everyone, Critical is doing very well. Flipped to flower a week ago. Just did a larger trim and started tucking some things above the lower fan leaves so they get more light. Started 3 clones in order to keep the cycle going. Last time i had moved the OGK to the smaller aerogarden since its still in veg. Nursing the ogk back to perfect health and added some more supplemental light since i believe the smaller aero isnt above 75 watts. PH and Ppm tested perfect in both gardens although the PPM for the Critical was only at 764, so i added 8.5ml FloraBloom with 60ml hydrogen peroxide.
During the 12 hours of lights off is the Crit in full darkness? Wondering, hadn’t thought to ask about this until now.
Looking good sis
I’m not telling you what to do you may want to cut off half of the outer part on the big fan leaves tips
Talk it over with Dad
Here’s a sample image
I did try to explain the best technique for prepping clones. It would have been better if I had been able to do a hands on demo like I had from my friend. They might not look pro but nature will usually provide at least one with a chance, hopefully. Best part about it is she can always try again at the 3 week trimming.
95% i have the light running from 7am to 7pm
I did the 3 steps but im still super confused. Why do we cut the fan leaves? I thought i wasn’t supposed to touch them?