Don’t want couch lock!

Hey everyone, so I’m growing white widow auto, and Week 7 of flower starts tomorrow. Plant is 11 weeks from being planted. The smell is AMAZING and I’ve checked trichomes but they seem kinda clear with about 2% amber. But on the sugar leaves they are about 50%-60% amber. Can’t get you a picture because I’m too shaky but I afraid I’m gonna miss my 10% amber mark. I DO NOT want to much couch lock. What do y’all think ??


Keep a close eye on things for the next several days. You’re probably in the window for what you want based off the info you gave and the number of remaining white pistils I see. I’d wait for more trichs to get cloudy before harvesting. Focus on the trichs on the buds and disregard the sugar leaves. Also, look at the heads of the trichs instead of the stems. Sometimes it’s hard to tell clear from cloudy but you’re getting there. Good luck.


Like @Outlaw said, you are getting close.


Yea I’m trying to watch them close. I should’ve got a 30x for my phone but instead I have to hold it and I’m shaky lol.


I’m thinking about another week to 10 days will get you what you want, but keep checking trichs.

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Hey guys, so I checked them tonight and I’m seeing a decent amount of thrichome heads being a light tan color. Idk if that’s my sign or not because they aren’t a dark amber ?? @Dexterado @Outlaw

@Docnraq @dbrn32 @MidwestGuy @Graysin

Do they look like this??

Or this…??


Probably going from cloudy to amber right now. I’d love to see some trich pics but I understand that’s difficult for you. I don’t even have a microscope so I can’t share trich pics myself. From what I’ve read it’s usually about a two week process from cloudy to amber. If they’re looking tan rn I’d say you’ll be exactly where you want to be within a few days. I’m guessing this weekend. But you probably wouldn’t be disappointed if you went ahead and harvested. Hang in there and keep checking. Your patience will be rewarded.

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More like the bottom. Of course the leaves have a bit more tan trichs than the bud itself but the color is like the bottom.

The bud itself is around about 8-10% but they are the color of the bottom picture. So it had me puzzled lol

Witout actually being able to see them, listen to your gut. If they are cloudy you have matured trichomes so harvesting now will tell you if you need to wait longer next time.
its not like they are all gonna go bad in the next 24 hours harvest is a fun time not a stressful time and as long as your not trying to harvest 3 weeks early you will be good.


For me -personally, The buds themselves (your photos) are showing their end game… They are mass producing layers of sugar leaves in rapid secession in a spire, or Cone like fashion… this; in tandem with a high % of pistol brownout says your probably past clear trichs…which is the worst mistake in chopping early…

Maybe you can do the whole chop, or…
Go further down the overall plant, and if she has large swatches of clear,.or infant clouds, then do a partial chop up where you’re seeing the acceptable touch off of amber…wait out the lower half with a keen eye over the next week or so…
Use everyones advice for your decision though… The vetted thinktank here is amazing


That’s my thought too. Without pics, I can’t really give you any guidance. Gonna assume if you feel like it’s ready, it could probably stand to go another 3-5 days. :rofl:


So what everyone is saying is, let them grow ???

No, we are saying make your own call, and decide after if next time you need to hold out longer.
Its either that or get a close up trichome pic for us to be able to see…its literaly the ONLY way to tell if she is done. You, being there with your plant are in a better position to tell then we are without a close up of the trichomes.


I say flip a coin. All yes or no decisions should be made on a coin flip


I think we’re all saying give us pictures. :joy:


how did you get such a clear magnified picture? I have a 60x attachment I put on my iphone/ipad and its hard to anything near that clear. Thanks.

Want meth?
(Pulls out a quarter) I dunno lets find out?:rofl::joy::rofl::upside_down_face:

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