Does stem have to snap?

Does the stem have to snap to be considered done drying? I wet trimmed my plants and have them in mesh rack. Humidity is 55% and temp is 67F.

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Just before they are capable of snapping is the rule I go by. Snapping is too dry.


for me I choose the small bud branch for the snap test and not the larger bud branches…this probably gives the effect @MidwestGuy says above…
but I am using this moisture meter on this last dry and my snap test would not pass when the moisture was at 12%


So my stem bends and the bud feels dry and when crushed has a crunch crisp sound. But when I squeeze the bud hard it feels dry but still somewhat moist in the middle with the sound. If that make sense.

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I used a moisture meter to test mine. It took the guesswork out. My stems would no snap at 12% moisture.


Does the consistency feel like if you were to have finished bud? Does the curing also dry it out some?

I also have the moisture meter to test. When it reads about 11 to 13 it is done for me. The snap never worked and I just second guessed myself all the time. You should not put up to cure when too moist…problems with mold and rot.


yes what you described above sounds good…and curing improperly will dry out…can you measure humidity in a jar with this new harvest?

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I just stuck it in a jar sat for 2 min it’s reading at 60% and 66F

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Like what you use for soil or it there a special one?

ok I would be ok with that…do you have Boveda packs to put in the jar with it?

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Yea I could only get the 62% ones.


those are the right ones to have…put one in the jar with half full of bud don’t crowd,close the lid and then daily open to burp …you have started the cure


The little bit of bend, before they are too dry to snap, is what I go by. The buds might feel a tad crispy, but when you jar or bag it up, that bit of moisture that still gives the stems some bend, will sweat throughout the buds and even the moisture out. You can open the jar or bag if it is too moist, or add a leaf or two if too dry.


Hi. It is a meter used for wood moisture really. pretty cheap. 60% is ok. 66% to moist. Have u seen the grove bags for curing? Great invention. No burping, holds humidity. I have had weed in bags for months and still reads 60 to 63%


The moisture meter is the way to go. Cheap. 11 or 12% and jar.

What % is to high when curing?

Does jar size matter?

How do you use a moisture meter?

I’m with @Retiredoldguy – I’m using the moisture meter too (because we cure in Grove Bags). So, when the buds hit 11% they are considered dry enough to go into the cure bags. I don’t seem to get a crisp snap at that moisture – but I’m trusting the Grove Bags to do their thing.