Do You Know What These Really Are?

I’m on Day 67 of flowering. I’ve noticed what appears to be calyxes expanding on this plant. I’ve never gone quite this long in the flowering stage. My last Blue Dream had to be taken early. Someone said they look like seeds. I guess I’ve never seen seeds with pistils sticking out from them. Thanks

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Seeds…definitely probably

Calyx - pistil - pollen - seed

Thanks for your response. I’m really surprised. No pollen. I’m going to let it go a few more days to see what happens. Nothing to lose. Oh, well. If they are seeds it’s ok. It doesn’t matter. :slight_smile: :grinning:

Damn yeah those look like pollen sacks or seeds , not flower

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Yes, Randy I do believe they are on their way to become seeds. It must have been a Hermie. I’ve giving it another week to flower and then that’s it… It’s an only plant. We lost power a few times and that really must have messed things up. Oh, well. C’est la vie. We’ll see if we get some decent smoke from it. :slight_smile: At the very least my dog will get some stems. She loves them. Sure does smell great! Thanks.

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That’s a bummer , my first thoughts the location I see within the bud early stages of seeds.

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Definitely seeds forming. I recently became very familiar with that myself. :unamused::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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No matter what you got a Good attitude about it. I had a fun germ out all you can do is learn and prepare for the next crop. Best of luck @WangDangDoodle

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Thanks for your response. Yes, I do believe they are at the early stages of seeds as you said. This was actually a clone of a clone. Good weed is really hard to find where I am. You can pay up to $400 for an ounce of cannabis that I wouldn’t pay $50 for a ounce in the States. :slight_smile: It’s all good. I’ll be happy with what I get out of it.

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It is but you know, it’s ok. It’s a only clone of a clone. An experiment. I was going to reveg it. I suppose if I want a ton of seeds I still could. :slight_smile: Thanks

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You can look at it this way , back in the day you would be hard-pressed to buy a bag of weed that wasn’t full of seeds. And some of it was decent smoke.

Hey that’s what’s up bro keep it up , free seed awesome :clap:t4:, I would recommend to start setting up for your second run and sanitize you area to avoid any left over pollen , definitely you can handle a boy but from here on just girls my friend

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