Sounds professional
Very nice setup. Looks perfect for seeds.
So far 8 of 11 have germinated
…this is going to be fun to watch…
@Arrow My brother I’m Stoked your along for the coco Auto pot ride.
Well that’s awesome! You are going to have a full tent. How many will be in auto pots and are you feeding them?
@Capt.Cola Only the strongest 6 will go in the auto pots. I don’t know if I will have enough time to sex them before they get there but I’m hopin for the best.
@Capt.Cola im not feeding yet but when the cotys start turning it’s on.
Great for clones too.
Here’s a pick of my extremely stretchy girls. One may not make it and a couple are Damping off a lil. I think I may have planted a lil too shallow. And in coco I may need to go a lil deeper as well. I plant at a 1/4 to 1/8 in deep. I Mabee should have went 3/8 to a 1/2 inch. Anyway it is what it is.
I’m gonna get them under a real light tomorrow. 1000 watt Mh at 50% power and that should help stop some of the stretch. I hope anyway.

I hope all My Brothers and Sisters are safe well and high as

That’s what’s up dman! Keep doing whatever you are doing. How does that light effect your temperature?
@Capt.Cola Brother It’s pretty hot but now I got cooler temps and I’m in a 9 x 18 room so it’s manageable with several fans. I can keep it in the mid 80’s and get down to 60 at night if I want to
Wow that’s a big room. 80’s during the day isn’t too bad and 60’s at night is nice. I considered using one in the winter to help create heat. Now I would have to get three and is not cost effective for me. What’s your weather like? We are getting cold up here with temps averaging in the 40’s during the day and 28-38 at night depending on cloud cover and wind direction.
Brother I’m in the heart of the Mississippi Delta a stones throw away from the Mississippi River. Humidity is one of my major issues in the summer but winter is more forgiving. Right now it’s a lot warmer than normal
Ya , I’m in AZ and right now I should be in the 30s at night and 60s during the day…
Not so…
It’s 60s at night and almost 90s during the day…
I have a feeling that this summer coming is going to be ridiculously
I will pray that it isn’t…
I’m right along with you My Brother!!
I lived in Sierra Vista Az for a about a year. I loved it. Beautiful view.
It was warmer then usual here till about two weeks ago. Getting to be a little like winter.
@peachfuzz that is way above what it should be! No cool down in the winter could lead to a warmer then usual summer. Although you get really hot already in the summer. 90’s is too hot for me most days.