This sucks how do u post
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I’m trying to send and I can’t see what I’m typing I’m on a tablet so I’m blind writing this once my can’t see sorry for my ignorance its alli see is my keyboard my keyboard i dont even know how to send this I’m lost
I’m just touching my screen till something happens
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With no typos either so you’re already better than I am lol. And welcome to you both to ILGM @cshort and @NevadaBoy
Hope you get this I’ve never been in a forum before of any kind am I doing something wrong I’m winging it can’t see what I’m typing
Welcome, you got it
Ok apologize 4 all that seems I had 2 turn my tablet the other way to view full screen guess I can start over ! Again I apologize must b the Nv water
Thanks for the welcome! I’ve been lurking, reading and really enjoying myself. I’ve never grown any but I’ve become fascinated with every aspect of this magical plant whom has given me my life back after unsuccessful opiate treatment for chronic pain due to a several issues in my back. Sweet freedom from pain at last
KOOL! I’m a greenhorn first time grower hopefully, want to build a light for a 4x4 ft area thinking eb2 strips over samsung f series gen 3 there only around $4.50 ea l0560 $8.40 1120 at the moment@ digikey but are only in 3500 or 5k! light will b used for veg & flower both so should i go all 3500 or mayb throw a couple 5k in the mix looking at 24 2ft. Or 12 4 ft and will these strips do the job ? I can figure around 450watts just depending on series or parallel with hlg 480 driver any suggestions on the wiring type Thanks
That’s wonderful to hear…I think the same way. And not only does this plant help a multitude of problems, it’s also very fun to grow …SO GET GROWING lol
3.500K will work just fine. I run Gen 1 EB strips in 3,000K just fine.
You are going to want to run in series for safety reasons.
@dbrn32 is our light guy
I am in the middle of an 3500K EB Gen2 build.
I have 208 strips that are mounted on 24" X 12" aluminum plate. Total over 1800 watts for my 8’ X 8’ X 9’ flower tent. Each of the 16 plates will have 13 strips with one driver per plate.
As @Myfriendis410 suggests, you should run them in series. There are several technical reasons for this.
I agree with the others, would select different drivers and wire in series. to use hlg-480 with eb strips you would have to wire in parallel.
Can you post model number of strip you intend on purchasing please?
Hello, want to Thank everybody for replying back via email! Will b using #bxeb-l0560z-35e2000-c-b3 strips, since I can’t reach the 400+watts with the 480 driver in series I have chosen to use 2 hlg240h-1050 or 1400c b version, the data sheets fv @700ma typ-19.5v max-20.6v @1400ma typ-20.5v max-21.6v now that being said would u suggest the 1400 or 1050c driver and how would I calculate the fv for the 1050? Secondly when adding the fv do u use max or typ voltages? Then what’s the norm for these strips to b run at 75% 90 ect. Well I hope I explained that correctly if so I think got a grasp on this finally! Thanks
Ya you seem to have handle on it. Keep in mind that higher you go with current the performance of leds goes down. And there are voltage limitations with the connectors on the bridgelux strips.
If you want to run the strips at 1050ma the hlg-240h-c1050 is a good choice. Thumb eyeball it looks like 11 560mm eb gen2 per driver going that route.
I usually run them at 700ma. But I’ve helped people build them out at 1050ma, seems like they have good results.
I am learning about these lights as time goes by and finding the sweet spot for mine is in the 65 to 70% of rated maximum. I have 3 each 240 watt EB strip fixtures and in flower they run at 175 watts each. Dense colas and no bleaching and 12" from canopy for good penetration.
Your build likely doesn’t have to go over 30 watts per square foot to get great results.