What is best? Does it matter?
I’m using organic soil
What is best? Does it matter?
I’m using organic soil
It is all about the pH/PPM’s of whatever type of water you are using. I live in Denver and right now since they are replacing the old lead pipes, the city has supplied us with a Brita filter with triple carbon filtration. Chlorine in tap water will off gas in about 24 hours but Chloramine if it is in your city water will not and you have to use pellets to get rid of it. To sidestep all of these issues, I buy 5 gallons of RO for $1.50 at the Watermill Express. Whatever water you decide to use you will need to be able to measure both PPM’s and pH.
Thanks for the reply! Not sure if I have a supply of RO water near me. Up until a few moments ago I didn’t know what reverse osmosis water was.
Forgot to add, I bought a PC60 and fooled around with it a little but have to learn how to use effectively and take care of it. I can’t get it to calibrate at three points. I can only get past the first calibration point.
I have the ph20 and did not do the 3 point. I used the 7.0 solution to calibrate initially and whenever I feel the need to calibrate again, I switch the fluid. Last time I used the 4.0. My pen has been spot on since I bought it. Very happy with that purchase.
Thanks. I need to get to the point where I understand the gadget and how it works.
What’s the PH and PPMs of your tap water
I’ll post later this evening
I like RO And DeerPark spring water and adjust ph.
Always check ph before and after adding any nutes
Chlorine and chloramine are bad for the soil ecosystem that is especially important in your organic grow. Kills the beneficial microbes that are necessary to break down the organic compounds into usable food for your plants.
According to EWG guidelines, my tap water has two contaminants that exceed their health guidelines.
Haloacetic acids and telomerase
Other contaminants include:
Aluminum, barium, a.real big word, chloroform (.558 ppb), chromium, fluoride, manganese, selenium, and strontium.
I kind of feel lucky to be alive.
Chromium is only .00779 ppb and well under the national average of .579 ppb
I avoid giving advice beyond my scope of knowledge so I don’t have anything intelligent to offer about your water. I saw the chlor mentioned and felt the urge to expand as far as the reason why you might want to treat or avoid them. It’s already stated above that chlorine will gas off if water is left open to the air. Chloromine is chlorine combined with ammonia at water treatment plants to stabilize the chlorine and prevent it from breaking down and gassing off. I use my tap water and treat it with a product sold for aquariums. Referring back to the first line, if anyone reading spots an inaccuracy please correct. Rather learn than waste time getting offended.
A two point calibration will be fine. 7PH
And 4 PH .
PH is 8.24
COND is 352 but unsure what this variable is.
PPM is 252
SAL pPT is .18
Measured with an Apera PC60
Dude I appreciate all feedback. Thank you.
I agree my city water is so treated it’s sad