Hey guys bout to flush my blueberry auto that’s about 3 weeks into flowering. Will be my first flush ever so I wanted to make sure I have everything in check. So say I use distilled water ph’d to 6.5 and runoff comes out say high or lower than what I want, do I just adjust ph of water I put to balance it out. For example if I put ph water in at 6.5 and it comes out to say 5.4 would I then need to raise the ph of the water I put in to say 7.0-7.5?
You are correct in your thinking, increase water PH going in to increase soil PH.
That said, I don’t personally believe in flushing unless you’re having a problem. To me, it’s drowning the roots for no reason. Just stop feeding a couple weeks before harvest to clear anything left over. Just how I do it, I know many flush.
I have flushed but not the “3 x’s the pot size” type. By keeping track of the pH and ppm as the water drains, I have used less water hitting my target numbers.
I would not increase my pH in the flush above 7.5 or below 5, preferring to not bathe the roots in a too high or too low pH.
Your girls will hit the right numbers.
and feed your girls after flushing.
Like right after flushing or wait till they dry out? Also can I just put in bath tub and run 6.5 water through see what it is then adjust from there. I wanna check ppm’s too so what would be the ppms to shoot for. To be honest I’m not worried about ppm cause I’ve always fed her at 1/4 strength everything. Just wanna know what numbers I could get to if there is issues with ppm @kabongster
feed right after flushing…and sure to the tub, the point is not to super saturate the soil with excessive water, and go for the appropriate pH, soil 6.5, soil less 5.8, ppm a comfortable 400 or less are numbers I would aim for.
I have used this, there are other solutions available to wash the salts out of the soil.
As you said above not to super saturate the soil that’s what I’m worried about I’m not trying to do a full flush which would be 3x my pot size I’m just trying to get ph correct. Would you recommend water till runoff test it see if it’s low of high and if it’s either of those 2 would you make small adjustmeants. @kabongster till you get to your choice of ph
Also on watering after with nutes should i wait till my plant quits draining the water put through before? @kabongster
use a plant tray and as the water runs out, empty the tray and clean it, get a fresh sample of water and test it, proceeding from there to more water, draining and testing at intervals…using the least amount of water necessary.
I wait about 30 minutes for the water to stop draining then feed getting a little run off from that which will wash some more salt residue out, replacing it with fresh nutes.
Clean it after every time i check the ph in the runoff? By cleaning what do you mean like get a rag or something and wipe it up after checking it and continue that also since you’ve done this how much water should I expect to use if in 3 gallons. Probably a dumb question since it varies from plant to plant just over thinking I guess, I’ve gotten this far and dont wanna f$&k anything up lol @kabongster
yes, wipe it off with a rag…the cleaner the better the numbers…and I am the most guilty for over thinking things
it depends on the soil, maybe 2-5 gallons if the soil isn’t too far off, if you have been watering to run off each time and not over feeding, what the soil is composed of and fertilizers (timed release, organic)
Just curious what type of soil are you using @Swan1234 ?
Fox farm ocean Forrest with a layer of warrior seed starter on top for when it was a seedling. If you go to my topics you’ll see swans blueberry auto flowers
And it has the latest update on the situation @Wishingilivedina420state
Thank you @Swan1234, you asked some very specific and detailed questions. This is exactly what I’m trying to do now. Did the ph finally level out and did you accomplish this in a day or did it take several waterings to get your soil in control?
I’m worried that my plant cant eat because the ph is too low amd that ive water logged the plant trying to fix that by using 6.7 water.