Has anyone else had issues with tag notifications coming days later
I’ve noticed that over the last week or so I will receive notifications that are 8 to 10 days old not all of them but a good number of them ??? It a little frustrating since other will be looking for some advice
I don’t want anyone to feel like I’m blowing them off hahahaha
@Majiktoker @garrigan62 @bob31 @Niala
@peachfuzz I thought I remember you saying something about this a while ago ?
No I have not if using a phone maybe your phone is ready for an update
Hahahaha yeah I’m good with the updates it’s a iPhone six but ? And I’ve tried to restart doesn’t do anything?
Hmm not quite sure buddy
Are you using Safari or Google ?
I realize Safari is Apple but Google refreshes faster for me
Yes I’ve been having problems with notifications… I usually get them when somebody purposely tags me , but when I offer up advice on a certain thread and they respond… I don’t get the response …I end up finding it later that they responded to me and it’s usually a month has went by , by then …so I’m still trying to figure it out …could be something I did… not a hundred percent sure…
I use an iPhone 6 and haven’t had any issues.
I use safari without any issues.
@Jmesser80 I use Safari on my phone 7+
and Google On my laptop
My notifications are coming through on both but I see them sooner on the laptop
Could also be wifi vs LTE issue for me.
Thanks guys yeah I’m baffled by this it just started maybe I’m following to many different threads
@peachfuzz that’s exactly what’s happening to me unless tagged directly I don’t see it
I clear all notifications and then one will pop up from like a week or two days whatever in the middle of all the one I just looked at ?
First time i have heard of this problem. I’ll talk to Latewood about it tonight
Love the emoji @garrigan62 lol thanks
From what i was told they are upgrading to a bigger server because the forum is getting larger every month.
So hang there all will be better soon.
Thanks @garrigan62 appreciate it I figured I might be something like that I noticed all the new faces hahahha that’s a good thing isn’t it tho
Thanks again Will