Defoliation... what do you do?

Im mid way thru week 3 of flower. I defoliate with reckless abandon during veg but i fear stress in flower. How late do you guys do it? As you can see, i lollied the ladies 2 weeks ago, pretty thorough defol at same time. Two weeks later i still got alot of fan leaf and got som larfy buds down low. What do you guys do in this situation?

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I try to have everything that is coming off, off, by the 3rd or so week of flower. I leave them alone after that unless something is causing a problem. I do know others that defoliate well into flower without problems. I had a hermie my last grow, so Iā€™m probably now more conservative than others about stressing my flowering girls.


Yep, try to get most of it gone by week 3 flower.