Dead or shocked!

Quick question, is this really bad shock or did she die haha she was so big n beautiful in her clone machine then i transferred her n within hours.

GSC - roots were bout 3/4 in.

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Looks dead to me.

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haha damnit i was afraid of that.

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I wonder if her roots dried becuz they were so small. The water was at 4/5 Gallons. Maybe I should have done 4 1/2 galls to make sure the wetness made it to the new roots.

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Yes u need to make sure the roots are getting to the water til the reach so bit. Should have waited to transplant til the roots were like 4 or 5 inches long. Water level should always be about an inch to 2 below the netty pot. What do roots look like. If still wet and white put it back in cloner see if she revives


I put mine into the pails once the roots are a half inch out of bottom of rapid rooter. But I use hydroton and it gets damp from bubbles splashing water in the tub.


It’s really bad, that looks to me like someone may have been a bit impatient. Happens to everybody at some point, the bit*h is you “diagnosed” your own problem. Should have listened to that little voice n ur head, no, no, not yet, give it another week r so. O that’s the voice I’m hearing n my head, looking at this dead young lady. I wish u :pray: nothing but good luck n the future…:alien:

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Or hand water till roots make it to the water. Or add a air water pump & ring.

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:skull_and_crossbones: Rip :headstone:

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Keep at it Bronson

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