Day. 55 and not flowering. WTF autoflowers

Ok fam I’m back. I am on day 55 and wtf is going on. I am dwc they are drinking 1 gallon a day. Both are autos from ILGM. Gglue and B banner. The B banner is on the right at 26 inches high. I am running flora 3 part with hydro guard and cal mag. I have had light issues and cal deficiency. This is first time with autos. Are they autos? I have the 72 inch 2x4 tent and am quickly running out of room. I am on a 18/6 light cycle. On a marz hydro tsl 2000 at 26 inches @75%. I need to know how to fix this. If these are photo I’m screwed. No room. Tag who u can family. Thank you all


Im new too… love the plants…i have gg autos going also. I know its not supposed to matter with autos but maybe just switch your light schedule to 12/12 anyway…idk totally inexperienced suggestion…otherwise not sure there’s much ya can do they will just run their predetermined course. One guy on here said he had autos take longer than his reg ones…like15 weeks


@JamJam. Thks for the comment. I was thinking of a 12/12 cycle. But I have been doing my daily log for info and want to see if others jad this problem. How far along are u on yours? GG loves nutes. Mine is on 1100 ppm and wanting more. The B banner likes around 875- 900. Let me know and I will give u the info on yours. Just be ready for them to grow crazy high. Next time I will definitely top them quick. Keep me in thought I will keep posting updates. Good luck and happy growing.

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@ILGM.Support any advice. I have a day to day log I can send. Are these photos? I appreciate your time in this matter. I got the 3 pack with Gglue and Bruce banner and Girl Scout cookies. They were stated as autos. I am not unhappy. Just longer time and bigger yield. Just want verification if I was sent photos by mistake. It happens, I love the plants ,but for my space I set up I need autos. Thks

My last auto was Jack Herer. It did not start flowering until day 51-52. It is not unheard of. Most of my auto would go around four weeks. I did not have to change lights or anything, it finally decided it was time. It was the largest auto I have grown, so maybe there is an upside. If you have the seed pack you may want to double check the code to make sure it is in fact an auto. ILGM auto’s contain FAX in the code. Photoperiods are code FX.
If they are photos you are not screwed. You would probably want to / need to prune them and train them as much as possible before flipping them anyway. It looks like they are pretty dense and bushy.


I have heard of people ordering autos also and get sent a photo by accident I’d definitely flip to 12/12 and at least see what happens they look good and healthy though


Its getting there i see some pistils. U can drop them in dark for 24 hrs might help initiate the flower process for u. Ive never had a problem with autos yet. All start flower right around 30 to 35 days. Good luck.

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@Jdogg thanks man! Mine are youngsters the oldest are a couple weeks old so got a ways to go lol

They don’t have that. This is what I have



I think they are Fem seeds
If I’m not mistaken that is what the FP5 stands for


I am reading all of these product codes to be feminized (F) photoperiod (P)
If they were autoflower I think the code is FA(autoflower)
The X represents the quantity.
This is a link to ILGM product codes

I did a text search BAN - these are the bruce banner codes


If you saw my autos, you’d think they were different plants. I have fan leaves that have 8” stems. It grew and stretched so fast and I was worried about light burn. My Banner has reached maturity in just 8 weeks but I’ll be lucky to get a 1/4oz off the plant.
I have GG AND GSC from a mix pack and all three did the same thing. I have 2 1000w LED lights and grew in fox farm soil. Go to 12/12. It should help