Dark period green light

Hi y’all , I’m just wondering if this green light would work to turn my restroom into a dark room, due to construction in our alleys I have to bring a couple plants indoors. I usually grow outside new to indoor growing. @bob31 @Majiktoker @Aquaponic_Dumme @Countryboyjvd1971 , I don’t want to leave light on, but might go in there and need light for a few minutes at a time.
Thanks in advance


Not sure what you mean by this? @Mrcrabs the flowering room needs really bright lights in it?

@bob31 , they are inside my living room under a hps lamp from 10 pm till 10 am, due to heat. But at 10 am I want to put them in the restroom, since it’s super dark and no light leakage. Incase I need to go in there I don’t want to be stumbling around.


Now I’ve gotcha! Thanks on the further explanation. After all that I don’t know the answer. @Hogmaster might be able to help!


@bob31 , I saw my mistake in my post. Thanks and I no why you was confused, I already corrected it thanks. Will be posting pics of the plants I had to bring inside in a bit. Our town is growing and we are becoming city limits jurisdiction. Getting paved roads and alleys not so thrilled about that. That means city pd will be patrolling.


Carotenoids and anthocyanins (plant pigments) see green light. Even chlorophyll see’s “some” green light in very small amounts. This means your ladies will be effected, even if it’s an immeasurable amount. A few times during the flower period should be ok, but I wouldn’t use a high traffic room like a bathroom. I recommend finding a room where you can have uninterrupted darkness.

Understanding how plants know when to flower:


@Aquaponic_Dumme , thanks for the info. I will make sure that the restroom stays locked at all times. It’s our master restroom, we can use our guest restroom for a while. My wife loves our plants so she’s ok with it. Once again thanks my friend.


Does exposure to light during dark periods negatively effect autoflowers? More so light getting in through cracks of the doors?


She’s flowering nice

The one on the left is the one I pulled out of our back allley, she’s bouncing back



I use a green cfl , with no issues… :wink:
I usually only enter in dark cycle to spray or just get a really good look at my girls with a bright natural spectrum led flashlight for a few minutes right after light’s out or 5 minutes right before lights come on… :wink:
I have left green light on for 4 days by accident with no issues… not sure about the led one that you have there… mine is a cfl… :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:


I bought a Green LED headlamp from Amazon…works great, it was under $15…Also I only use it sparingly…maybe 15 min total usage in a week…hope this helps
